The Seven Trumpets Revelation 8:6 – 9 (p )
What does this have to do with my life? Revelation is written to the churches – It lays out the cosmic battle of good and evil It shows God and the Lamb as the ultimate controllers of history It Promises victory to the people of God and individual reward based on: Devotion to Christ Faithfulness of our witness It promises that God will act to bring evil to an end – establish justice Joel 1 – 2 “The dreadful day of Yhwh” Our picture of reality and who God is affects how we live.
1. Hail & Fire, mixed with blood (8:7) LAND One third of earth, trees and all grass burned up 2. Burning mountain thrown into the sea (8:8) SEA One third of sea turns to blood, one third of sea creatures & ships destroyed 3. Star “Wormwood” falls to earth, poisons water (8:10)FRESH WATER One third of fresh water turns bitter – many people die. 4. Sun, moon stars struck (8:12) HEAVENS / SKY One third turn dark, one third of day and night without light.
The 10 Plagues of Egypt (Exodus 7:14 – 12:30) 1. Water turns to blood 2. Frogs 3. Gnats 4. Flies 5. Death of Livestock 6. Boils 7. Hail 8. Locusts 9. Darkness 10. Death of Firstborn Son (Passover) First 4 SEALS – Human Agents (God lets sin run its course) First 4 Trumpets – Natural world (God acts in judgment on evildoers) The 4 trumpets’ impact limited to one third – limited judgment
Introduced by the Eagle – “Woe! Woe! Woe!” (8:13) The 5 th Trumpet – the horde from the Abyss “Locusts” who harm humans, not grass or trees or plants 5 months – the usual season/period of a locust plague “Looked like” – Something like crowns of gold on their heads; Resembled human faces; Women’s hair; Lions teeth ? Northern “barbarians – long, blonde (gold) hair, ate meat off the bone (lion’s teeth). Their king was “the Destroyer” – Satan They brought tremendous suffering and devastation – Judgment ! !
The 6 th Trumpet – Demonic horde of uncountable number Turned on the people that worshipped them Brought even more suffering and devastation.
“They did not repent” Worshipping demons Worshipping idols Acts of murder, “magic”, sexual immorality, theft. Even facing the consequences of – Human sinful oppression and exploitation (4 seals) Natural disasters (4 trumpets) Suffering and destruction by humans and demons (5 th & 6 th Trumpets) – They did not repent ! ! !
Replacing my vague and inaccurate perceptions with the true reality Our God is active, in charge, working out His purpose He invites us to join Him Daily choices – Invest in the Kingdom – devotion to Christ + generosity to others + availability +... Every simple choice matters – “cup of water” Mark 9:41 (also Matt 25:31-46) “Welcome home, good and faithful servant” – will ring for eternity ! ! !