Phil 4 :10 - 19 Tree of Contentment
Contentment is a state of satisfaction that is anchored in our confidence in God and results in a joyful celebration of life.
Soil and Nutrients Soil > v 19 God will Supply > BSS 2 :13 For it is God which works in me both to will and to do of his good pleasure. Nutrients : Jesus 1:8 I long after > bowels of Jesus Christ 1:21 For to me to live is Christ,> die is gain. 4:13 I can do all things > Christ which strengthens me
Growing in Contentment Php 4:11 I've learned by now to be quite content whatever my circumstances. I've found the recipe for being happy whether full or hungry, hands full or hands empty. Does not mean to be slap/unmotivated and unfocussed Interact with Attitude
Contentment Comes from Learning to Appreciate What you Have in Christ The Grace of God> we know that we are getting better than we deserve The Providence of God>God is in charge >He is overseeing the events of our life and using them to deepen and develop us. The Promises of God > there is a place in Heaven for us . He will never leave us or forsake us ..
Promises cont. He will provide for our needs . He will guide us into the truth. He will do in our life exceeding abundantly beyond all we ask or imagine
How to grow Content[ment] Be completely present in the present. Discontent comes from focusing on what might have been or on what could be Understand that material things are given as tools and not as an end in themselves.
. How to Grow cont Grow to love Christ more completely. Too many people believe that happiness, fulfillment, and satisfaction is found in power, possessions, promotions and pleasure
Fruit will fill your MIND : 6 Peace of God, Pure hearts and minds :10 I can give and Receive : 6 Peace of God, Pure hearts and minds : 8 Truth / Honesty / Justice, Purity / Beauty will fill your MIND
I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me, because God shall supply all my needs according to his riches if I am content with His will for my life