The Saving Death and Resurrection of Christ USCCA Chapter 8 Sunday, September 20, 2015Sunday, September 20, 2015Sunday, September 20, 2015Sunday, September 20, 2015
Session 2: The Saving Death & Resurrection of Christ 1. 1.The Cross stands at the center of the mission of Jesus. a.Jesus foreshadowed His death and Resurrection with His apostles. b.Jesus taught His disciples of the importance of carrying one’s cross. September 20, 2015September 20, 2015September 20, 2015
Session 2: The Saving Death & Resurrection of Christ 1. 1.The Cross stands at the center of the mission of Jesus. c.Jesus noted that the greatest love we can have for one another is to die for the other. d.To save us from sin and its effects, Jesus experienced all aspects of human life, including suffering and death, without sinning Himself. September 20, 2015September 20, 2015September 20, 2015
Session 2: The Saving Death & Resurrection of Christ 2. 2.On the Cross, Jesus freely gave His life for us. a.After a brutal torture, Jesus physically died on the Cross. b.Jesus offered His life as a sacrifice, an act of atonement to make us one with the Father. September 20, 2015September 20, 2015September 20, 2015
Session 2: The Saving Death & Resurrection of Christ 2. 2.On the Cross, Jesus freely gave His life for us. c.Jesus’ sacrifice is an act of satisfaction or reparation for sin. d. Jesus’ sacrifice is an expiation for sin in which God takes the initiative in reconciling us to Him. September 20, 2015September 20, 2015September 20, 2015
Session 2: The Saving Death & Resurrection of Christ 2. 2.On the Cross, Jesus freely gave His life for us. e.Historically, the Jewish authorities handed Jesus over to the Romans, who crucified Him. f.Because of our sin, we are all responsible for the death of Jesus. September 20, 2015September 20, 2015September 20, 2015
Session 2: The Saving Death & Resurrection of Christ 2. 2.On the Cross, Jesus freely gave His life for us. g.After His death, the Apostles’ Creed professes that Jesus descended into hell, calling the righteous who lived before Him to enter into the glory of Heaven. September 20, 2015September 20, 2015September 20, 2015
Session 2: The Saving Death & Resurrection of Christ 3. Through His Resurrection, Christ conquers death and promises us the resurrection of our own bodies. a.The Resurrection of Jesus is a real, historical event that took place at a specific date and time. b.The Resurrection is a transcendent event, an event of supernatural origin. September 20, 2015September 20, 2015September 20, 2015
Session 2: The Saving Death & Resurrection of Christ 3. Through His Resurrection, Christ conquers death and promises us the resurrection of our own bodies. c.If Jesus had not risen, our faith would mean nothing. d.The Paschal Mystery culminates in Jesus’ Ascension into heaven, 40 days after His Resurrection. September 20, 2015September 20, 2015September 20, 2015
Session 2: The Saving Death & Resurrection of Christ 4. In heaven, Jesus intercedes and prays for us at the right hand of the Father. September 20, 2015September 20, 2015September 20, 2015
Session 2: The Saving Death & Resurrection of Christ 5. At the end of time, Jesus will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead. September 20, 2015September 20, 2015September 20, 2015
Session 2: The Saving Death & Resurrection of Christ September 20, 2015September 20, 2015September 20, 2015 For Discussion: 1.Read over the accounts of the passion and death of Jesus in the four Gospels. Describe the evidence that points toward a physical death of Jesus on the cross, as opposed to the hypothesis that says Jesus was faking death or almost dead. 2.Read over the accounts of the Resurrection of Christ in the four Gospels. What evidence and clues point toward the bodily Resurrection of Christ? Given the Gospel accounts, describe the characteristics of the resurrected body of Jesus.