Effects of food coloring on a flower


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Presentation transcript:

Effects of food coloring on a flower Science Fair Project Biology Science Effects of food coloring on a flower By: Atenea Saavedra

Statement of the Problem What happens when food coloring is given to a flower?

Project Overview I did a experiment to see if different amount of food coloring affects a flower. I used white flowers, so I gave the first one 0 drops, the second one 20 drops and the third one 40 drops. I left them in the sun from 8:00 a.m.-3:00p.m.. I observed them for a week. The second and third one began to show color at about the same time. The second one (plant B) began to die on the 7th day, the third plant(plant C) began to die on the 5th day. Plant A began to die the 10th day.

Variables IV: Amount of food coloring I will give none to the first plant, 2 drops to the second plant, 4 drops to the third plant DV: If the plant grows They will have the same sunlight, and water. Control Group: Same flower, water, containers, and sunlight These will be the same so the no other plant will get more than the rest. Constant Variable: flowers, water, sunlight(start at 8:00a.m.- 3:00p.m.

What amount of food coloring will begin to affect a plant? Hypothesis What amount of food coloring will begin to affect a plant? If I give two plants different amount of food coloring, would the affect be different on the one that wasn’t affected? It may be possible that the two plants with different amounts of 20 drops or 40 drops may live as long as a regular plant or just die way before.

Materials 1 cup of water 0 drops of food coloring for flower A, 20 drops of food coloring for flower B, 40 drops of food coloring for flower C 3 cups 9 white carnations Scissors ruler

Procedure 1. Measure food coloring, and water 2. Put flowers in containers 3. Add water 4. Give 0 drops to A, give 20 drops to B, and 40 drops to C 5. Put under sunlight 6. Observe and take observations for 7 days or until they start dying Add diagrams in your steps.


Data/Observations Analyzes

Conclusion During the experiment in about a hour B started to turn blue first then C started to get darker blue and so on they kept Turing more blue. In 3 days the stems started to turn blue. In 5 days B started to die then C did the next two days. A died in about 9 days. The data did support the hypothesis because I did have a feeling that since there is a chemical in the food coloring it would affect the plant in some way.

Possible Experimental Errors The errors I came across was the time on how long the flowers should be exposed to the sunlight. I was a couple of minuets late but with all 9, I got the same results. I had but if I was to do this experiment again I would film it so it shows the plant changing in the process.

Applications and Recommendations I had but if I was to do this experiment again I would film it so it shows the plant changing in the process. I would also use more colors to see if they would have the same results. I would say if you don't want flower for more then 5 days but want them to stand out then go ahead and add any food coloring to make them stand out.