Johanna Keehn ECE 315 Science Methods Professor Dr. Taddei 2015
Pictures taken through out the experiment so you can observe how the different colors combined in the middle cup. Did you also notice at the end of the experiment that all three cups have the same amount of water in them?
Water Walking with Pre K We took plain water and added blue and yellow food coloring to each one. The question Ms. Johanna asked us was, “If we mix the colors blue and yellow, what color do we get but without pouring the two colored liquids into the empty glass? Ms. Johanna has us put a dry paper towel between the cups. We were able to watch as the paper towel soaked up the liquid and transferred it into the empty cup. The water that started appearing in the empty cup was GREEN 3
PA Common Core Standards: PA ELS AL3.1 Reasoning and Problem Solving by predicting possible outcomes related to cause and effect PAELS 2.7.A Probability and Predictions by stating and explaining the likelihood of an even and recognize that the results of an experiment may not match predicted outcomes. PAELS 1.4 Types of writing informational PAELS 1.6.A Speaking and Listening by applying listening and speaking strategies effectively. PA ELS 9.1.I Production, Performance and exhibition of dance, music, theater and visual arts by knowing color in visual art Objectives: Students will predict outcomes in stories and in real life situations Students will analyze possible reasons why the results of an experiment may not match predicted outcomes. Students will write informational sentences (descriptions, definitions, simple instructions) using illustrations Students will be able to listen attentively and follow directions to perform a task (multi-step oral directions solving problems and following rules.) Students will be able to explore color through color mixing
References: (2008). Retrieved July 17, 2015, from Grade Final.pdf First Grade Blue Skies. (n.d.). Retrieved July 19, 2015, from