Parent Information Session on Proposed 1:1 Initiative Wednesday 21 st November 2012
Purpose of Session Inform parents about the direction the school would like to pursue regarding the introduction of a 1:1 ICT initiative at Chilwell. Seek parents’ feedback and level of support for pursuing a 1:1 ICT initiative. Give parents the opportunity to ask questions about the proposed 1:1 ICT initiative. 2
Information, Communication & Technology (ICT) at Chilwell – Current Issues 40% of our computers are over 4 years old – well below the recommended benchmark set by the Department. Older computers are not able to keep pace with the opportunities new technologies can provide. Learnings achieved in the computer lab cannot be replicated in the classroom because the classroom computers are unable to run the programs. 3
Background to 1:1 devices at Chilwell In , the Department undertook a trial of netbooks in years 5 & 6. Chilwell was one of the trial schools. The trial did have some problems but overall it was a success. The cost of the program was significant and the Department did not implement the program statewide. Many of the schools in the trial have continued on the 1:1 path. Chilwell chose to place a bank of netbooks in the Year 5/6 area. 4
Current usage of iPads at Chilwell Trial of shared iPads in the Prep-2 classrooms commenced in November last year. Staff can borrow limited number of iPads from the library for use in their classrooms. Staff are also able to borrow iPads during the school holidays to research and enhance their iPad skills. 5
Where to now? School Council and the ICT Committee have been discussing the issue of a 1:1 program over the last few months. This has involved: a thorough examination of the evidence base; contacting other schools; and consulting with staff. Range of options have been considered. Discussion has focused on meeting the educational needs of pupils and staff, cost, functionality, durability, and ease of use. 6
Where to now? – cont. School Council agreed in principle to embark on a 1:1 initiative but: further exploration was needed regarding which device (iPad or netbook) would best suit the school; Teachers needed to be consulted regarding their willingness and preferences; Parent body needed to be consulted about proposed initiative as their support is critical to its success. 7
Why pursue a 1:1 initiative at Chilwell? Preparing our students for life in the 21 st century requires an education that equips children with the skills and experience to successfully navigate a world in which they will need to be ‘tech savvy’. The learning opportunities provided by 1:1 devices can enhance general classroom learning. There are already many excellent educational apps available. iPad trial in Prep-2 was very successful with both children and teachers appreciating the learning opportunities that the iPad can provide. High levels of student engagement are strongly linked to the use of ICT. Use of iPads, like the smartboards, will be as a resource and tool to assist teaching and learning. 8
What do our teachers think? Research tells us that staff engagement is critical to success of 1:1 initiatives. Chilwell teachers are very keen to expand the use of 1:1 devices in the classroom. Professional development opportunities for teaching staff in the use of 1:1 devices will be pursued. Staff were consulted about their preferred 1:1 model and recommended the following to School Council: BYO 1:1 iPad program for Year 4 commencing in Optional iPad for Years 5 & 6 in Maintain current netbooks in Years 5 & 6 until they become redundant. 9
Proposed 1:1 Initiative for Year level1:1 Usage Prep - 3Shared iPads and desktops (no change to current arrangement) Year 4*BYO 1:1 iPad (cost met by parents) Years 5&640 netbooks (until they are exhausted) plus optional BYO iPads.
1:1 Proposal – cont. Proposal to introduce 1:1 iPads in Year 4 in 2013 would spread the initial cost incurred by parents over 3 years as the children would continue to use the iPad in years 5 and 6. An information session for 2013 Year 4 parents was held on 13 November to inform parents of the proposal and gauge their interest. Feedback is still being received. However, if the majority of Year 4 families are not supportive, then the proposed 1:1 initiative will not proceed and a new proposal will be developed. 11
What will the 1:1 iPad proposal cost? The school does not have the financial resources to purchase iPads for all students. The roll-out of the 1:1 initiative in 2013 will require the financial cost of purchasing the iPads to be borne by parents in Year 4 initially. Parents of current children in Year 3 (Year 4 in 2013) in will be given option of purchasing iPad for use in Cost will depend on iPad purchased (eg iPad2 16GB Wi-Fi can be purchased for $370 ex GST). We want to hear from you about your willingness to meet these costs. 12
Questions and Concerns 13
Questions and concerns – cont. How will the iPads be used and to what extent? Will iPads replace the current curriculum? The use of iPads in the classroom will not replace core lessons such as handwriting, spelling, grammar. Nor will iPads limit imagination, concentration, or the development of fine motor skills. Teachers look for the best resources to get the best outcome – technology is one resource that teachers use. Educational apps will be used to enhance what we already do. 14
Questions and concerns – cont. Will iPads be used for literacy and numeracy and to what extent? 1:1 devices will be used in Literacy and Numeracy and other aspects of the curriculum to enhance, not replace, traditional learning approaches. Reading Eggs and Mathletics Apps have been released and would be utilised. 15
Questions and concerns – cont. Will students be able to access social media sites (such as Facebook, Qhoo me, Instagram, Snapchat etc) at school? No. The Department’s filters restricts access to certain sites such as Facebook (must be 13 years or over). Will children be able to access the internet ? Yes, restricted internet access will remain the same as it is now. Chilwell uses filters that prevent students from accessing certain sites. Importantly, Chilwell is now an accredited e-Smart school. This means the school is well-prepared to prevent and address cyber-safety. 16
Will there be set timetabling for the use of iPads in the classroom? No. The use of iPads will be integrated into the everyday curriculum. Chilwell’s inquiry-based learning approach encourages student choice, with direction and instruction from the teacher. Will the ICT lab become redundant? No. The ICT lab, which contains Windows-based desktop computers, would continue to operate as a teaching area for both classroom teachers and I will continue in my role as ICT coordinator. Questions and concerns – cont. 17
Questions and concerns – cont. Can children take the iPad home at night? Under the current proposal, iPads remain the property of families and can be ether taken home or left at school. However, we are open to suggestions! What about insurance against breakages, theft, loss, damage? Families would be responsible for seeking advice from their contents insurer to ensure the device is covered while at school. If there is an incidence, the school will investigate and facilitate a resolution with the family. 18
Questions and concerns - cont. Is the school’s current infrastructure sufficient to support the 1:1 initiative? Yes, with some enhancements. Server capacity was increased in Term 3 this year. Existing wireless network is fine but will need to be upgraded to cater for increased iPad usage. This has been budgeted for in 2013 but may be completed by end Controller to manage wireless devices to enable access anywhere within school in 2013 will be required. 19
Questions and concerns – cont. Will sufficient tech support be available? Yes: Michael is employed by the Department for 7.6 hours per week. Dale Rippon is employed by the Department for 5 hours per week, and a further 6-8 hours per week by the school. 20
More Information The school’s webpage contains links to a range of educational ICT research. Alternatively, please come and have a chat with me or Gavan. 21
Next Steps We want to hear from you! What do you think about a 1:1 initiative at Chilwell? Do you have any concerns? 22