World History Chapter Five “Rome & Rise of Christianity” 600 B.C. – A.D. 500
Section One: The Rise of Rome
Objectives 1. Discuss how the Romans conquered the plain of Latium, the Italian peninsula & then the entire Mediterranean world. 2. Explain how the Romans maintained control over their conquered lands.
I. The Land & Peoples of Italy Italy is a peninsula about 750 miles long Apennine Mts. run down the middle Located in the Mediterranean Sea
The Land & Peoples of Italy 3 important plains for farming 1. Po River 2. plain of Latium, where Rome is located 3. plain of Campania
A. The Impact of Geography Rome located 18 miles inland on the Tiber River Easy access to the sea but safe from pirates Built on 7 hills
The Impact of Geography Italian peninsula was a natural stopping point for trade & travel Important position in the Mediterranean
Indo-European group who settled in Latium Herders & farmers B. The Peoples of Italy 1500 to 1000 B.C. / Latins Indo-European group who settled in Latium Herders & farmers
The Peoples of Italy 800 B.C. / Etruscans Turned Rome from a village into a city & gave Romans their mode of dress – toga & short cloak Organization of the Roman army
Etruscan tomb
Etruscan Sarcophagus
Etruscan writing
Etruscan Temple
The Peoples of Italy Greeks settled in southern Italy / Sicily Gave the Roman their alphabet & artistic models of sculpture, architecture & literature
II. The Roman Republic Early Rome ruled by kings, some Etruscan 509 B.C. overthrew the last Etruscan king Republic – a form of government in which the leader is not a monarch & certain citizens have the right to vote
Enemies surrounded Rome A. War & Conquest Enemies surrounded Rome 264 B.C. defeated the states of Latium, the Greeks in the south & the last Etruscan settlements in the north
War & Conquest Roman confederation Latins had full citizenship Other groups were allies who controlled their local affairs, but gave soldiers Such people could become Roman citizens
B. Why Rome Was Successful 3 virtues: duty, courage & discipline Livy Roman historian Cincinnatus gave examples
Why Rome Was Successful Good diplomats Extending Roman citizenship & allowing states to run internal affairs Skilled persistent soldiers & brilliant strategists
Why Rome Was Successful Built towns & connected them with roads Allowing soldiers to be deployed quickly Law & politics, Roman were practical & created institutions that responded to problems
Built a different form of government III. The Roman State Distrusted kingship Built a different form of government
A. The Government of Rome Two groups: 1. Patricians – great landowners, who became Rome’s ruling class 2. Plebeians – landholders, craftspeople, merchants & small farmers Only patricians elected to public office
Patrician carrying busts of his ancestors in a parade
The Government of Rome Chief executive officers Consuls (2) – ran the government & led the Roman army into battle Praetors – in charge of civil law
The Government of Rome Senate, about 300 patricians served for life Centuriate assembly, elected consuls & praetors & passed laws Organized by classes based on wealth
B. The Struggle of the Orders Plebeians wanted political & social equality Fought in the army to protect Rome
The Struggle of the Orders 471 B.C. Council of the plebs created Officials called the Tribunes of the plebs empowered to protect the plebeians 287 B.C. Council received the right to pass laws Still dominated by wealthy ruling class
C. Roman Law First code of law, Twelve Tables Law of Nations, dealt with Roman & non-Roman legal questions Standards of justice applied to all people equally & used principles recognized today
about 100 years the adoption of “The Twelve Tablets” 509 B.C.
Law of Nations Innocent until proven otherwise The accused has a right to a defense before a judge Judges should decide cases based on evidence
IV. Rome Conquers the Mediterranean Faced a strong power in Carthage Had a large trading empire Began a long struggle in 264 B.C. to control the Mediterranean
A. The First Punic War Rome vs. Carthage Rome defeated Carthage in a navy battle in 241 B.C. Sicily became Rome’s first province
1st Punic War
The First Punic War Sent Hannibal the greatest Carthaginian general to start the second Punic War
B. The Second Punic War Hannibal brought war to the Romans Entered Spain moved east crossing the Alps 40,000 men, 6,000 horses & elephants
The Second Punic War 216 B.C. at Cannae Rome lost an army of 40,000 men Hannibal remained free to roam Italy By 206 B.C. had pushed the Carthaginians out of Spain
The Second Punic War Rome decided to invade Carthage Forced Carthaginians to recall Hannibal from Italy At the Battle of Zama in 202 B.C. Romans crushed Hannibal’s forces
C. More Conquests 50 years later, Rome fought a 3rd Punic War 146 B.C. Roman soldiers sacked Carthage Conquered Macedonia & Greece
Ruins of Carthage
Rome’s new empire