Imperial Expansion and the Punic Wars
External Threats Sabines, Alba Longa Veii Lars Porsenna Lake Regillus (496BC) Volscii, and Aequi The renegade, Corlioanus Cincinnatus The Latin League (30 city-states)(50/50split) patron – client relationship ager publicus coloniae
War with Veii access to the Tiber, salt beds, and ager publicus Fidemae 10 years to 396BC stipendium M. Furius Camillus praeda
Gallic Sack of Rome 390BC Gauls? Celts? weakening of Etruria Senones led by Brennus realpolitik of Syracuse? siege of Clusium siege of Capitoline citadel vae victis! Po River Valley (Bonnie and Clyde) psychological effect
End of the Latin League consolidation of central Italy from 380-350BC (animosity between Rome and the Latin League) alliance with the Samnites ius Latii, citizenship, citizenship sine suffragio, socii, municipiae “spare the conquered, battle down the proud” divide and conquor
THINK PAIR SHARE: In these early years of expansion, to what extent is the casus belli a real threat to Rome? In other words, in what ways are these wars caused by real threats or are they the product of a Roman desire for expansion? Must Rome’s response be martial?
Samnite Wars Campania and the First Samnite War (340’sBC) Coloniae, Neapolis (Naples), and the Second Samnite War (320’sBC) Battle of the Claudine Forks and Battle of Lautulae Etruscans join Samnites VE 308BC/ VS 304BC Via Appia and Aqua Appia (Censor Appius Claudius) maniples, gladius, pilum Etruscans, Gauls, and the Third Samnite War (298BC) Battle of Sentinum municipiae, Gauls hemmed in the Po River Valley, and Greek city-states in the South
Pyrrhic War Tarantum King Pyrrhus of Epirus war elephants Pyrrhic Victories at Heraclea and Ausculum alliance with Carthage while leaving Sicily: “What a field we are leaving for the Romans and Carthiginians to exercise their arms.” Rome, master of Italy
THINK PAIR SHARE: In what ways is Rome’s economy tied into warfare and the military? What are the consequences of this relationship?
The Punic Wars Phoenician city founded 814BC by Queen Dido greatest Mediterranean sea power 4 million subjects & stories of sailors in South Africa and Ireland ran by a “board of directors” minimal class conflict mercenary army
The First Punic War Mamertines at Messana (288BC) Hiero II, King of Syracuse (265BC) Carthigian aid, Roman aid (declaration by comitia centuriata, arguments by the Claudii vs. Fabii, discussion of Regium, Sicily, Sardinia, and Corsica) Hanno forfeits Messana Carthigianian/ Syracusean siege of Messana early Roman victories in Sicily defection of Hiero (foreign cliens) seige of Agrigentum (two walls)
The First Punic War Roman triremes and Carthiginian quinquiremes beached quinquireme, and the corvus Mylae (260BC) and the columna rostrata Roman invasion of Corsica and Sardinia Naval Battle of Ecnomus, invasion of North Africa (256BC), the Spartan mercenary Xanthippus, the hubris or Regulus, the Battle of Bagradas, and the dismissal of Xanthippus. 247BC – Hamilcar Barca leads Carthiginian forces in Sicily; asymmetrical war based at Mt. Etna war of attrition, 9 year siege of Lilybaelum, P. Claudius Pulcher’s raid, and auspices. victory at the Aegates Islands (241BC) “If they’re not hungry, maybe they’re thirsty”
The End of the First Punic War Carthiginian withdrawal from Sicily war indemnity mare noster acquisition of Corsica and Sardinia evolution of provincia perseverance of Senate and socii Carthage involved in Mercenary War (238BC) Rome fights a series of Illyrian Wars against pirates, and conquers Cisalpine Gaul, settling the Po River Valley
THINK PAIR SHARE: In what ways does the First Punic War guarantee and also shape the Second Punic War? What other ways could have the First Punic War concluded that would have better provided for a peaceful future between these two powers?
The Outbreak of the Second Punic War Hamilcar in Spain new territory (New Carthage and Barcelona) precious metals “the new world of the old world” establishment of dynasty Romans wary of Gauls Ebro River Treaty Saguntum Hannibal (221BC)
Crossing into Italy Publius Cornelius Scipio (the Elder) sent to Spain (Gnaeus pushes onwards) Hannibal leaves Hasdrubal with an army of 16,000. He sets out with 80,000 infantry, 12,000 cavalry, and elephants crossing of the Rhodenus (Rhone) crossing the Alps c. ½ Carthiginian army emerges Alps, and 1-handful of elephants Tributaries of the Po, injury of Cornelius Scipio (the Elder), presence of Cornelius Scipio (the Younger)
Trebia River Battle (218BC) T. Sempronius Longus Hannibal baits the Romans Mago’s Ambush 20,000 Romans KIA loss of northernmost Italy
Battle of Lake Trasimene (217BC) swamps and eye G Flaminius and Gn. Servilius Geminus 30,000 Romans KIA 10,000 captured 4,000 reinforcements destroyed Sanguineto
Fabius Maximus “Cunctator”, dictator Fabian Tactics escape of Hannibal from Campania socii in central Italy remain loyal
Cannae (215BC) G. Terentius Varro (hubris) & Lucius Aemilius Paullus (reserve) Numidian Cavalry Pincer Movement hamstrings 50-70,000 Roman KIA 11,000 captured Capua, Syracuse (Sicily), Macedon defect to Carthiginians
Turning Point “Hannibal at the Gates” seizure of power by senate, merit based political advancement, and return to Fabian Tactics M. Claudius Marcellus in Sicily, death of Archimedes Gn. and P. Cornelius Scipio in Spain (since 217BC), both killed in 211BC P. Cornelius Scipio (the Younger, later, Africanus) cult of personality, aristea, prorogatio capture of New Carthage (209BC) Battle of Metaurus (207BC) and the decapitation of Hasdrubal Barca
The End of the Second Punic War Scipio, imperator and consul in Africa (204BC) fall of Utica recall of Hannibal Massinissa of Numidia Battle of Zama (202BC) Hannibal escapes acquisition of Spain, and northern Africa 50 year war indemnity
THINK PAIR SHARE: It is often said that the Second Punic War is defined by great generalship? Is this the case?
The Macedonian Wars First Macedonian War, “phony war”, Philip V of Macedon, Carthaginian ally, trapped in the East Philip V becomes an ally to Antiochus III of Syria. Smaller Greek states (Rhodes, Pergamum, Aetolian League) seek aid from Rome (clientela) Second Macedonian War (200-196BC), Philip ordered to dismantle fleet, Aetolians defect to Antiochus, Hannibal leads armies of Antiochus Syrian Wars (192-189BC), Romans invade Asia Minor, Scipio faces off again against Hannibal Third Macedonian War (172-167BC), new players (Perseus of Macedon, and Antiochus IV), Battle of Pydna, Perseus as Rome’s captive, devastation of Epirus, Greek freedom massive influx of slaves, Rome as master of Italy, Spain, N. Africa, Greece, Asia Minor, and Syria
Third Punic War (149-146BC) M. Porcius Cato: “Carthago delenda est” Numidian (Client) King Massinissa captures territory from Carthage Macedonian Rebellion (praetors and provinciae) 146BC – Destruction of Corinth and Carthage
Effects of War and Imperial Expansion on Roman Society fear of northern invaders professional military praeda displaced soldiers look to commanders as patrons provincial administration and tax farming philHellenism centrality of the Senate, nobilitas, cult of personality, aristea, honor, and imperium 16 novi homines between 264 and 134BC Odysseus in America by Jonathan Shay American Caesar by William Manchester