The Origins of Rome
Italy Peninsula Shaped like a boot Heel points towards Greece Toe points towards the island of Sicily
Mountains of Italy Alps to the north Apennines – down center of Italy
Italian Terrain similar to that of Greece Apennines not as rugged as mountains in Greece Settlers in Italy were not split into small isolated groups (like Greece) Italy had better farmland than Greece . Mountains slopes leveled off to large plains - ideal for growing crops Italy the capacity to grow more food/feed more people
First People to Enter Italy People trickled over the Alps sometime between 1500 and 1000 B.C. Attracted to the rich soil and good climate First settlers to plains of Italy were the Latins (spoke Latin) Built Rome on the plain of Latium in central Italy
Tiber River Rome is found 15 miles up the Tiber River A source of water / way to get to the Mediterranean Sea Far enough from the sea to escape raids from pirates and other enemies of Rome
Seven Hills Rome was built on seven hills easier to defend the city against attack hills very steep and attackers would find it difficult to mount a credible attack Aventinus (Aventine) Caelius (Caelian) Capitolium (Capitoline) Esquiliae (Esquiline) Palantium (Palantine) Quirinalis (Quirinal) Viminalis (Viminal)
Legends of Rome Part One Traditional story of twin brothers - Romulus and Remus - founded Rome Abandoned as babies near the Tiber River Rescued by a wolf Raised by a shepherd Brothers quarreled over a wall and Romulus killed Remus Romulus - the first king of Rome (which he named for himself)
The Aeneid/Another legend Epic by Roman poet Virgil Story of Trojan hero Aeneas About his adventures after the Trojan War He lands at mouth of Tiber River Warfare and marriage to King’s daughter, united Trojans and Latins Called “Father of the Romans”
The Real Story.. Historians are not sure how Rome began The Latins lived in the area where eventually was Banded together for protection the community became known as Rome.
Greek Colonies Many Greeks lived in southern Italy and Sicily between 750 and 550 B.C. (colonies) Greeks taught Romans: How to grow olives and grapes Adopted Greek alphabet Modeled Greek architecture, sculpture and literature
Etruscans North of Rome was Etruria This region was inhabited by the Etruscans After 650 B.C. they moved south and took control of Rome and most of Latium
Etruscans change Rome Taught Romans to wear Togas Etruscan army served as a model for the Roman army (great pride in military) Skilled metal workers/slaves did heavy work Changed Rome from village to a city