Renaissance Reformation Writers Everyday Life Scientific Revolution Artists Vocab.
What is a humanist? Someone who studies classical texts in order to learn History,Rhetoric,Poetry, and Grammar.
Who was the Florentine Francesco Petrarch ? One of the first humanists, who studied Latin and Greek writings, and admired the ancient Romans.
Who was Niccolo Machiavelli? Writer of “The Prince” who believed that the end justifies the means and it is safer to be feared than loved.
He was the first European believed to use the printing press to print a copy of the Bible in the 1450’s. Who was Johann Gutenburg?
He was the writer who grappled with the questions of virtue and morality, and is still read reluctantly by most students. Who was William Shakespeare?
He Painted the large mural on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. Who was Michelangelo?
These two Italian artists pioneered perspective and the emphasis on realism. Who were Giotto and Masaccio?
Renaissance painters made their works look lifelike with this technique that placed figures according to proportion. What is Perspective?
The famous artist of “The last supper” and “The Mona Lisa” Who was Leonardo Da Vinci?
He was the German Artist who was famous for his copper engravings and woodcuts. Who was Albrecht Durer?
This religious revolution split the church in Western Europe and created several new churches What was the Reformation?
This was a paid pardon from a punishment for sin. What was an Indulgence?
He in many ways sparked the Reformation and became a monk when nearly struck with lightning, he also had scatological fights with the devil. Who was Martin Luther?
This division of the Christian religion started with the followers of Martin Luther. What is Protestant, (Lutheran) in Germany and Scandinavia ?
Another name for a small religious group. What is a sect?
These were the statements posted on the church door at Wittenberg by Martin Luther. What are the 95 theses?
The Calvinist belief that you are already set to go to Heaven or Hell. What was Predestination?
Daily Double “Don’t Choke!”
These are large, single printed sheets of news or information. What are Broadsides?
This is a government ruled by the church. What is a Theocracy?
These were beliefs that demons had caused bad luck, such as walking under a ladder. What was a superstition?
This was the institution that still was central in most European peasant life during the Renaissance. What was the Church?
These books helped peasants predict the weather and told them when to plant and harvest. What were almanacs?
This is how most peasants earned their living during the Renaissance. What was agriculture,and farming?
This the measurement of the quality of life of a people or a country. What is the standard of living?
He was the northern Renaissance artist, who painted scenes of peasant life. Who was Pieter Brueghel?
These were the two scientists and mathematicians who were given credit for creating Calculus. ( yeah!!?? ) Who were Isaac Newton and Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz
He was the French scientist who stated the famous line, “I think therefore I am”. ( Don’t ever put him before the horse ) Who was Rene Descartes?
This Flemish Scientist pioneered the study of Anatomy. Who was Andreas Vesalius?
This king established the French Academy of Sciences in Who was Louis XIV?
These people tried to change lead into gold by using spells or pseudo-chemistry. What were Alchemists?