Neutrino Physics and Dark Matter Physics with Ultra-Low-Energy Germanium Detector Overview of TEXONO Collaboration Kuo-Sheng Reactor Neutrino Laboratory Results on Neutrino Magnetic Moments & status on Neutrino-Electron Elastic Scattering Physics & Requirements for ULE-HPGe R&D projects on ULE-HPGe Prototypes Plans Lin, Shin-Ted/ 林欣德 On Behalf of Taiwan Experiment On NeutrinO (TEXONO) Collaboration Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica 5th Italian-Sino Workshop on Relativistic Astrophysics
TEXONO Collaboration Collaboration : Taiwan (AS, INER, KSNPS, NTU) ; China (IHEP, CIAE, THU, NJU) ; Turkey (METU) ; India (BHU) Close Partnership with : Korea (KIMS) Program: Low Energy Neutrino & Astroparticle Physics Kuo-Sheng (KS) Reactor Neutrino Laboratory oscillation expts. m 0 anomalous properties & interactions reactor : high flux of low energy electron anti-neutrinos physics full of surprises, need intense -source ※ study/constraint new regime wherever experimentally accessible ※ explore possible new detection channels
Kuo-Sheng Nuclear Power Plant KS NPS-II : 2 cores 2.9 GW KS Lab: 28 m from core#1
Kuo Sheng Reactor Neutrino Laboratory Configuration: Modest yet Unique Flexible Design: Allows different detectors conf. for different physics Front View (cosmic veto, shielding, control room …..) /fission 235 U: U: Pu: Pu: 0.4 U (n, ) 1.2 Inner Target Volume
Reactor Neutrino Spectrum /fission 235 U: U: Pu: Pu:0.4 U (n, ) 1.2 e ) ~ 6.4 X / sec*cm 2 Reactor Operation Data
R&D : Coh. ( N) T < 1 keV Results: ( e ) T ~ keV Under Analysis SM ( e) T > 3 MeV Reactor Neutrino Interaction Cross-Sections massqualityDetector requirements
KS Experiment: Period I, II, III,IV,V-I Detectors FADC Readout [16 ch., 20 MHz, 8 bit] ULB-HPGe [1 kg] CsI(Tl) Array Multi-Disks Array [few Tb*6]
8 Neutrino Electromagnetic Properties : Magnetic Moments fundamental neutrino properties & interaction ; necessary consequences of neutrino masses/ mixings Astrophysics bound on – B however, model dependence Anomalous e scattering is valid for - both Dirac/Majorana - both Diagonal/Transition i j Minimally Extended Standard Model: However, many models can enhance it significantly ( M, W R …..)
Magnetic Moment KS e scattering with simple compact all-solid design : HPGe (mass 1 kg) enclosed by active NaI/CsI anti-Compton, further by passive shielding & cosmic veto selection: single-event after cosmic-veto, anti-Comp., PSD
Data Analysis TEXONO data background comparable to underground CDM experiment : ~ 1 day -1 keV -1 kg -1 (cpd) DAQ threshold 5 keV analysis threshold 12 keV Combined all information Spectrum ; SM i / f Reactor On/Off Before/After cuts e ( SM) e e
11 Systematic effects Best-fit The limit based on 570.7/127.8 days of Reactor ON/OFF: e ) <7.4 X B (90% PRD Results on neutrino magnetic moment
Search of at low threshold high signal rate & robustness: Gemma prelim. Result: e ) <5.4 X B (90% Neutrino radiative decay
13 e e scattering However, SM >>MM at few MeV ! The differential cross section can be represented SMMM
CsI(Tl) Array (~200 kg) : e) Z =40 cm Single Crystal Q L Vs Q R (Raw Data) Region of Interest for SM e) Z = 0 cm 208 Tl 40 K 137 Cs Data analysis under way.. (~40000/~12000 day-kg for ON/OFF in PII to PV)
15 Status of neutrino-electron scattering Background understanding and suppression --Multiple-hit analysis ( Cosmic ray tagged, cascades of 208 Th ) => sin 2 w more data Global analysis of all spectra Expect:
16 “Ultra-Low-Energy” HPGe Detectors ULEGe – developed for soft X-rays detection ; easy & inexpensive & robust operation Prototypes built and studied : 5 Y2L 4 X 5 KS/Y2L 10 AS/CIAE Segmented 180 KS PC-500 g single Physics for O[100 eV threhold 1 kg mass 1 cpd detector] : N coherent scattering Low-mass WIMP searches Improve sensitivities on [ search ~ B ] Implications on reactor operation monitoring Open new detector window & detection channel available for surprises
17 ULEGe-Prototype built & being studied : 5 g 10 g 4 X 5 g Segmented 180 g with dual readout
18 A fundamental neutrino interaction never been experimentally-observed ~ N 2 applicable at E 1 at 250 eV of threshold; At threshold 100 eV-> 11 count /day/ kg) a sensitive test to Standard Model an important interaction/energy loss channel in astrophysics media a promising new detection channel for neutrinos, relative compact detectors possible (implications to reactor monitoring) involves new energy range at low energy, many experimental challenges & much room to look for scientific surprises Neutrino-Nucleus Coherent Scattering
19 Characteristics of WIMP signal Scattering off nuclei A 2 dependence –coherence loss –relative rates M W relative to M N –large M W - lose mass sensitivity –if ~100 GeV Present limits on rate –WIMP mass if not too heavy different targets accelerator measurements –galactic origin annual modulation directional courtesy of Gaitskell recoil energy, E R (keV) dR/dE R from Jungman et al. Vary M W for M N =73
20 Sensitivity Plot for CDM- WIMP direct search Low (<10 GeV) WIMP Mass / Sub-keV Recoil Energy : Not favored by the most-explored specific models on galactic-bound SUSY- neutralinos as CDM ; still allowed by generic SUSY Solar-system bound WIMPs require lower recoil energy detection Other candidates favoring low recoils exist: e.g. non-pointlike SUSY Q-balls. Less explored experimentally
21 Operated by KIMS Collaboration, 700 m of rock overburden in east Korea flagship program on CsI(Tl) for CDM searches TEXONO Install 5 g ULB-ULEGe at Y2L ; Study background and feasibility for CDM searches ; may evolve into a full-scale O(1 kg) CDM experiment Yang-Yang Underground Laboratory Y2L
22 Evaluation of Selection Efficiency: Select clean sample of physics events with cosmic-ray and anti-Compton tags Study survival probabilities of these with the independent selection cuts on Ge-signals Good efficiency > 200 eV for low background KS data with 4X5 g
23 Similar background at KS & Y2L for same detector Apparent difference between 5 g & 1 kg at T> 5 keV due to scaling with surface area instead, reproduced in simulations Best Background with 4X5 g comparable to CRESST-1 after corrections due to quenching factor Intensive studies on background understanding under way 5 g 4 X 5 g 1 kg Sub-keV Background Measurements & Comparisons
24 Results on WIMP Spin-Independent Cross Section Limits & Sensitivities Standard conventional analysis – Maximum gap method ; Optimal Interval method
25 WIMP-neutron cross section WIMP Spin-dependent Cross Section Limits & Sensitivities Allowed regions of WIMP-nucleon couplings (proton and neutron) with a WIMP mass of 5 GeVc^-2, at 90%C.L
26 ( 10 6 evts/kg-d) WIMP scatters ( 10 6 evts/kg-d) Neutrons Slow muons Radioactive Nuclides in solids, surroundings 238 U, 232 Th chains, 40 K Airborne Radioactivity 222 Rn Radioactive Nuclides in detector, shield (especially 222 Rn daughters, including 210Pb t1/2=22 years) Radioactive Nuclides in atmosphere Cosmic Rays Gammas Electrons Fast muons Shield contaminants Backgrounds: cosmic rays and natural radioactivity courtesy of S. Kamat Neutron capture ( α, n) Muon capture Photo fission Spontaneous fission ( α, n)
27 measure & study background at sub-keV range at KS & Y2L ; design of active & passive shielding based on this. compare performance and devise event-ID (PSD & coincidence) strategies of various prototypes devise calibration & efficiency evaluation schemes applicable to sub-keV range measure quenching factor of Ge with neutron beam study scale-up options ULEGe-detector Keep other detector options open R&D Program towards Realistic O(1 kg) Size Experiments (both N & CDM) :
28 Single Readout Event ID – correlate two channels with different gains & shaping times e.g. Energy as defined by trigger-Channel 1 Sampling of Specific Range for non-trigger-Channel 2 – i.e. look for +ve fluctuations at specific and known times 4 X 5 g Signal Noise Ch #1 : Ch #2 :
29 Dual Readout Event ID – correlate anode/cathodes in amplitude & timing SignalNoise Anode : Cathode : e.g. Seg. 180 g Peak Position Correlations between Electrodes
30 Quenching Factor Measurement for Ge at CIAE’s Neutron Facilities: Goals for 2008 Runs : Use actual ULEGe 100-eV detector Use lower energy neutron beam with a smaller tandem With 13 MV Tandem
31 Detector Scale-up Plans: 500-g, single-element, modified coaxial HPGe design, inspired by successful demonstration of Chicago group (nucl-ex/ ) Dual-electrode readout and ULB specification Arrived in April S0S0 S1S1 p Most of energy deposited in the surface. A larger detector have a better suppression.
32 Summary & Outlook An O[100 eV threshold 1 kg mass 1 cpd detector] has interesting applications in neutrino and dark matter physics, also in reactor monitoring Open new detector window & detection channel : potentials for surprise Mass Scale-Up: recent demonstration of realistic design Threshold – ~300 eV at hardware level, intensive studies on software techniques to aim at ~100 eV, & on their stabilities and universalities Prototype data at reactor already provide competitive sensitivities for WIMP search at mass<10 GeV. Sub-keV Background understanding and suppression – under intensive studies