Foundations of the Roman Republic BCE
The Founding of Rome Myth: Rome founded in 753BCE by Romulus and Remus (raised by a she- wolf). Romulus kills Remus after a dispute and he then establishes Rome. Evidence: Archaeology tells us that by the mid-8 th C. BCE a settlement existed on the Palatine Hill (centremost hill of the seven hills of Rome).
Etruscans take control Ruled from approx BCE. Civilised people who controlled a large proportion of Italy. Took control of Rome due to its prime location on the Tiber River.
The Founding of the Republic Popular history suggests that around 509BCE the Etruscan kings were expelled by revolution and a Republic was established. However, evolutionary change is just as plausible – Rome underwent a gradual process on its path to a Republic.
Conflict of the Orders A class struggle between Patricians and Plebeians from BCE. Plebeians well organised – collective action A number of important positions are gained and laws are passed during this period (for the Plebeians). This period can be defined as the Plebeian struggle for equality and justice.
The Italian Conquests 1. First Phase ( BCE) Rome’s territory doubled. Treaty signed with the Latin League – Rome has stable allies for 150 years 2. Second Phase ( BCE) Rome controlled 7500 sq km and one million people. 3. Third Phase ( BCE) Roman military tactics change from the Phalanx (Greek) to the Maniple (more flexible). Road building becomes central to controlling the Latin and Roman colonies.
Rome takes control of Southern Italy – Pyrrhic Wars BCE – a series of battles with the Greek State of Epirus – King Pyrrhus Rome wins and takes control of Southern Italy.
Roman gains following Italian campaigns