Active Solar Heating - Liquid Systems - Aaron Ma
What is it? System that converts solar radiation into other forms of energy to provide heating in houses Designed to cover up to 80% of the heating in the house. Rest is covered by incorporate storage systems Two main types: Liquid and Air Systems
Liquid System Consist of 7 main parts –Solar Collector –Liquid –Controller –Pumps –Heat Exchanger –Storage Tank –Heater
How it Works Solar radiation is collected through the Hydronic Solar Collectors Water or antifreeze liquids is heated Controller operates the pump for circulation Pump distributes the heated liquid from collectors to heat exchanger or storage tank Used in main heater when needed or stored in storage tank for later use
Problems Not enough Sunlight will cause the active solar heating system to stop providing heat Depend on the back-up heating system Expensive solar collectors and storage tanks for heating the whole house Small systems are usually used to heat one or two rooms.
References ducation/Energy_Information/R enewable_Energy/heating_with _active_solar.htmhttp:// ducation/Energy_Information/R enewable_Energy/heating_with _active_solar.htm i/publications/pamphlets/active. htmlhttp:// i/publications/pamphlets/active. html