We are learning to: describe how objects in the solar system are in regular and predictable motions that explain days, years, and seasons. We are looking for: description of: Days- Earth rotates on its axis every 24 hours Years-Earth revolves around the sun days Seasons-Earth revolves around the sun as the Earth is tilted on its axis
Seasons Seasons are caused by the tilt of the earth’s axis as the earth revolves around the sun. Vernal equinox is the beginning of Spring. Summer solstice is the beginning of Summer. Autumnal equinox is the beginning of Autumn. Winter Solstice is the beginning of Winter. 3
Motion of the Earth Rotation is the spinning of the earth on its axis. –This movement determines the length of a day, 24 hours. Revolution is the movement of one object around another object. –This movement determines the length of a year, days. –Every four years is a leap year. 4
Why do we have night and day? A.Earth’s rotation B.Earth’s revolution C.Tilt of the Earth on its axis D.I need Help! 0 of 5 10
What causes Earth to experience different seasons? 0 of 5 A.It rotates on its axis while it revolves around the sun B.It revolves on its axis while it rotates around the sun C.It is tilted while it rotates around the sun. D.It is tilted while it revolves around the sun. E.I need help! 10
If the Earth’s Revolution was slower, we would experience A.Longer days B.Shorter days C.Longer years D.Shorter years E.I need help! 0 of 5 10
Of the following, which does not affect seasons? A.Earth is tilted 23.5 degrees B.The Earth revolves around the sun C.The Earth’s distance from the sun D.I need help! 0 of 5 10
3. REVIEW 1. PRACTICE 4. FRONTLOAD Pre/Post Check Key Terms 2. EXTENSION Pretend you live in Northern Alaska. Write a paragraph about what the hours of day and night would be like the summer and winter. Make a drawing that illustrates the difference between a year and a day. ____ Eclipse ____ ____ Lunar Eclipse ____ ____ Solar Eclipse ____ ____ Tides ____ ____ Spring Tide ____ ____ Neap Tide ____ ____ Moon Phases ____ ____ Crater ____ What laws of motion apply to our new astronomy unit? Explain.
We are learning to: describe how objects in the solar system are in regular and predictable motions that explain phases (moon cycles), eclipses, tides We are looking for: a description of -Phases-moon revolves around the Earth approximately once a month -Eclipse-are random predictable; one object moves in front of another object in relation to the position of the sun -Tides-high tide occurs approximately twice a day due to the gravitational pull of the moon
Phases of the Moon The moon is illuminated by the sun. The moon reflects sunlight to the earth. The different phases of the moon is affected by the moon revolving around the earth as the earth revolves around the sun. The complete cycle of phases takes 29.5 days, this is known as a synodic month. Each phase takes about 3.5 days. 11
12 Solar Eclipses Occurs during a new moon when the moon is between the sun and earth. The shadow is the umbra, the partial shadow is the penumbra. Doesn’t happen every month because the moon’s orbit around the earth is tilted and this prevents the sun, earth and moon from being in a straight line. Do not look at a solar eclipse without protective eye gear.
13 Lunar Eclipse Occurs during a full moon phase when the earth is between the sun and the moon. More common than the solar eclipse. Can be view without protective eye gear.
14 Tides Tides are caused by the gravitational attraction between the moon and earth. High tides are 12.5 hours apart. Spring tide is the highest high tide and occur at full and new moon phases. Neap tide is the lowest high tide and occur at first and last quarter moon phases.
Which phase occurs when the moon is in between the Earth and the sun? A.Full moon B.New moon C.1 st Quarter moon D.3 rd quarter moon 0 of 5 10
What causes us to see different phases of the moon? A.Light reflects off of the surface of the moon. B.The moon revolves around the Earth. C.We see different perspectives of the moon. D.All of the above. 0 of 5 10
What is the main cause of tides? A.The gravitational pull of the moon B.The gravitational pull of the sun C.The gravitational pull of the Earth D.I need help! 0 of 5 10
If the sun, moon, and Earth are perfectly aligned (as pictured), what event will occur on Earth? A.Neap Tide B.Solar Eclipse C.Lunar Eclipse D.Seasonal Change 0 of 5 10
When studying a solar eclipse, which would be a proper method of viewing the sun? A.Wear sunglasses B.Use a telescope C.Use a magnifying glass D.Use filters that are specifically designed to view eclipses E.I need help! 0 of 5 10
FOUR BLOCK INTERVENTION INSTRUCTIONS 1.If you have not missed any questions, start with block #2 and then complete blocks #3 and #4. 2.If you have missed 2 or more, meet with the teacher. 3.Everyone else starts in block #1 and then complete blocks #2, #3, and #4.
3. REVIEW 1. PRACTICE 4. FRONTLOAD 2.EXTENSION What would happen to the earth’s tides if the moon was not present? Using your knowledge of moon, write a paragraph (6-10 sentences)explaining why or why not? Draw a diagram illustrating all of the phases of the moon. Label all of the phases. What do you know about gravity and inertia? Explain how the moon affects the earth.
We are learning to: explain that gravitational force determines motions in the solar system and keeps the planets in orbit around the sun. We are looking for: explanation that *All objects in the solar system have gravity. *Sun has the greatest mass, thus has the greatest gravitational pull within our solar system. *Since planets have inertia, they do not get pulled into the sun. *Gravity keeps the planets in orbit.
Forces that Hold Earth in Orbit around the Sun Gravity is the attraction between any two objects. Inertia is the tendency of an object to resist change in motion. The balance between gravity and inertia keeps earth in orbit around the sun. 23
What is an object’s resistance to a change in motion? A.Gravity B.Inertia C.Mass D.Friction E.I need help!
Predict what would happen if Earth stopped its forward motion around the sun? A.It will fly off into space. B.It will hit the nearest planet. C.It will get pulled into the sun. D.It will continue to revolve.
What keeps planets revolving around the sun? A.The sun’s gravitational pull. B.The planet’s mass. C.The planet’s magnetic field. D.The Sun’s inertia. E.I need help!
Please copy circle and do this. Orbit Gravity Fill in two words that closely relate to the two words given. Write a paragraph explaining the significance of each word and how they fit together to form a concept?
We are learning to: *Compare the composition and orbits of comets and asteroids with that of Earth. We are looking for: Composition of comets, asteroids, and Earth 1. Earth is composed of rock with many layers and has a core of dense metal 2.Comets are composed of ice and dust (dirty snowball) 3. Asteroids are composed of chunks of solid rock with heavy metal Orbits of comets, asteroids, and Earth’s 1.Earth’s orbit is elliptical 2. Comet’s orbit is elongated and elliptical 3. Asteroids are elliptical and orbit in the asteroid belt or the Kuiper belt.
We are learning to: Describe the effect that asteroids or meteroids have when traveling through space and entering planetary atmospheres. We are looking for: 1.Asteroids are large rocky objects that orbit the sun. If they hit the Earth the impact could be catastrophic. 2.Meteorites are small rocky objects hit the Earth all the time and do not cause much damage. 3.A rock changes its classification based on its location: Meteoroid – rock located in outer space Meteor – rock burning up in the Earth’s atmosphere (Shooting Star/Meteor Shower) Meteorite – rock that hits the ground
Members of the Solar system Sun (closest star to earth) Planets Moons Asteroids Meteoroids Comets 30
Inner Planets: Mercury 0.4 AU from the sun. Rotational period 59 Earth days. Revolution period of 88 Earth days. No moon. Average temperature range is 670 K to 103 K. Almost no atmosphere and no water. 31
Inner Planets: Venus 0.7 AU from the sun. Retrograde rotational period 243 Earth days. Revolution period of 225 Earth days. The day on Venus is longer than a year. No moon. Average temperature range is 700 K. Atmospheric pressure 90 times that of Earth. Atmosphere of sulfuric acid. Large amount of CO 2 causing the Greenhouse Effect. 32
Inner Planets: Earth 1.0 AU from the sun. Rotational period 24 hours. Revolution period of days. One moon. Atmosphere 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen & 1 % carbon dioxide. 71 % of Earth’s surface is covered by water. 33
Inner Planets: Mars 1.5 AU from the sun. Rotational period 23.9 Earth hours. Revolution period of 687 Earth days. Two moons: Phobos & Deimos. Average temperature range is 144 K to 300 K. Thin atmosphere of carbon dioxide and some water. Largest volcano is Olympus Mons. Polar caps of dry ice. 34
Asteroid Belt Found between the orbits of Mars & Jupiter. Trojan refers to asteroids or moons that share the same orbit as a larger planet or moon, but does not collide because it orbits. 35
Outer Planets: Jupiter 5.0 AU from the sun. Rotational period 9.9 hours. Revolution period of 11.9 earth years. 63 moons including Io, Europa, Ganymede & Callisto. Has rings. The Great Red Spot is a major storm on the surface of the planet. Average temperature of 163 K. 36
Outer Planets: Saturn 9.6 AU from the sun. Rotational period 10.7 Earth hours. Revolution period of 29 Earth years. Has 47 moons including Titan. Has a ring system. Density is less than water. Average temperature of 133 K. 37
Outer Planets: Uranus 19 AU from the sun. Retrograde rotational period 17.2 Earth hours. Revolution period of 83.7 Earth years. 27 moons. Has rings. Discovered by William Herschel in Average temperature is 78 K. 38
Outer Planets: Neptune 30 AU from the sun. Rotational period 17 Earth hours. Revolution period of 164 Earth years. 13 moons. Has rings. Discovered by John Galle in Average temperature is 73 K. 39
Planet diameters Mercury km Venus – 12,104 km Earth – 12,756 km Mars – 6794 km Jupiter – 142,982 km Saturn – 120,536 km Uranus – 51,118 km Neptune – 49,528 km 40
Oort Cloud The Oort Cloud is the area surrounding the solar system where the comets are found. Comets are dirty snow balls. Comets have a head (nucleus & coma) and a tail. Halley’s comet appears every 76 years. 41
Meteors Meteoroids are pieces of rock from object such as asteroids that fly through space. Meteors are meteoroids that are burning up in the earth’s atmosphere (shooting stars). Meteorites are meteoroids that have landed on the earth’s surface. 42
Nebular Theory A model for the formation of the solar system in which the sun and planets condense from a cloud (or nebula) of gas and dust.
An icy object that has an elongated orbit around the sun is referred to as a(n)…. A.Asteroid B.Comet C.Meteor D.Meteorite E.I don’t know!
The flash of light produced when a meteoroid passes through the Earth’s atmosphere is a(n) A.Asteroid B.Comet C.Meteor D.Meteorite E.I don’t know!
Why does a meteoroid create a streak of light when entering the Earth’s atmosphere? A.Light from the sun is reflected of the surface of each B.Energy is released from the objects C.Lightning is produced from these objects D.Light is a result of friction from the gasses in the atmosphere E.I don’t know!
Which of the following applies to meteoroids and asteroids. A.They are similar in size. B.They are rocky and/or metallic. C.They are composed of frozen gases, ice, and dust. D.They orbit the sun in highly elliptical patterns. E.I don’t know!
Which of the following objects would cause the most damage if it hit the Earth? A.Asteroid B.Meteoroid C.Meteorite D.Meteor E.I don’t know!
Create an “alike but different” using the terms asteroid, meteoroid, comet. How I will remember this What we have in common How we are different
We are learning to: identify and describe telescopes, probes, satellites, and space crafts We are looking for: telescope- refracting, reflecting, and radio are used to view distant objects probe-machines sent to other locations in the solar system and are used to investigate/explore satellite-orbits around the earth or other planets and are used to take photos and collect data space craft-mode of transportation to send humans to locations in the solar system;
We are learning to: examine advances of different people, culture, and times in astronomy. We are looking for: examples of how telescopes have changed and been improved over time and their impact on science and technology.
52 Tools to Study the Universe Reflecting telescopes use mirrors to magnify the image. Refracting telescopes use lenses to magnify the image. Radio telescopes collect radio waves to study the stars. Spectroscopes analyze the light given off by stars to indicate composition, movement and temperature of stars.
53 Reflecting Telescope
54 Refracting Telescope
55 Radio Telescope
Which type of telescope focuses light using a mirror? A.Reflecting Telescope B.Refracting Telescope C.Radio Telescope D.Infrared Telescope E.I need help!
Which type of telescope focuses light through transparent lenses? A.Reflecting Telescope B.Refracting Telescope C.Radio Telescope D.Infrared Telescope E.I need Help!
One of the greatest advancements in astronomy was the telescope. Which is the correct order of advancements? A.Radio- refracting-reflecting B.Reflecting – refracting – radio C.Refracting-reflecting-radio D.Radio- reflecting-refracting E.I need help!
Which of the following is an advantage of a space-based, satellite telescope like Hubble? A.Satellite telescopes are much closer to the stars. B.Satellite telescopes are able to see through solid objects. C.Satellite telescopes can detect wavelengths that are blocked by the atmosphere. D.Satellite telescopes have the ability to see the future. E.I need help!
Focus Free Write (3 minutes) Explain how the advancements in telescopes have helped astronomers learn more about the universe. When finished, trade your paper with a partner. Revise if there are misconceptions or any incorrect information.
HoursMinutesSeconds Explain how the advancements in telescopes have helped astronomers learn more about the universe.
We are learning to: explain interstellar distances are measured in light years We are looking for: the explanation of and the use of the light year *explain a light year as the distance light travels in a year *explain that distances are too great to be measured in miles or kilometers
Distances to Stars A light year is the distance light travels in year. Astronomers often use parallax to measure distances to nearby stars. Parallax is the apparent change in position of an object when you look at it from different places. 63
A light year is a measurement of… a)Distance b)Time c)Speed d)Acceleration e)I don’t know! I need help! 0 of 5 10
Why do astronomers measure interstellar distances in light years instead of kilometers or miles? A.Light years are a measure of time. B.Miles and kilometers are too small of a unit. C.Miles and kilometers are too large of a unit. D.I don’t know! I need help! 0 of 5 10
You are viewing a star that is 20 light years away. When was the light from this star produced? a)Before you were born b)After you were born c)10 years ago d)2 years ago e)I don’t know! I need help! 0 of 5 10
What if…. there was a planet in another solar system within our galaxy that could support life. The beings on this planet have a telescope that can observe beings on Earth. If the planet is 10 light years away, who would they see as president? Use the timeline below and provide an explanation to support your answer. After answering this question, meet with a partner to compare your responses. Collaborate to make a new paired response to the question Bill Clinton George H.W. Bush Ronald Reagan Barack Obama Eugenia Green George W. Bush Cory A. Booker
We are learning to: examine the life cycle of a star (characteristics; HR diagram) We are looking for: a description of how stars are classified by characteristics and then organized on an HR diagram. Characteristics Size- Giant, main sequence, and dwarf Temperature- blue=hot; red=cooler Brightness- apparent brightness and absolute magnitude HR diagram shows temperature, brightness, color of stars and where the star is in its life cycle. Used to graph the surface temperature (x-axis) vs. brightness (y- axis) Hotter stars are on left side of graph; cooler stars on the right side of the graph Brighter stars on top of graph; dimmer stars on bottom of graph
Classifying Stars Stars are classified by size, temperature, and brightness. Temperature of a star is indicated by color, hot stars are blue & cooler stars are red. Apparent brightness is the brightness of a star as observed from earth. Absolute magnitude is the brightness of a star observed at the distance of 10 parsecs. 69
Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram H-R diagram is a graph of the Milky Way galaxy. Surface temperature is graphed on the x- axis. Absolute magnitude is graphed on the y- axis. 70
Types of Stars Blue super giants have a high brightness and high temperature. Red giants & super giants have a high brightness and low temperature. White dwarfs have a low brightness and high temperature. 90% of all stars appear on the Main Sequence going from the upper left to the lower right corner. 71
Which characteristic of stars cause them to be different colors? a)chemical composition b)distance c)size d)temperature e)I need help. 0 of 5 10
Which color would describe the youngest and hottest star? a)blue b)red c)orange d)yellow e)I need help! 0 of 5 10
Which star would be the brightest if all the stars are the same distance from Earth? a)Main sequence b)Neutron Star c)Red super giants d)White dwarf e)I need help. 0 of 5 10
How would you classify our star, the sun, on the H-R diagram? a)Main sequence b)Red giant c)White dwarf d)Red supergiant e)I need help. 0 of 5 10
Red Giant Main Sequence
Life Cycle of Star Interactive Video csa.gc.ca/eng/educators/resources/astron omy/multimedia/module2/star_lifecycle/sta r_lifecycle.swfhttp:// csa.gc.ca/eng/educators/resources/astron omy/multimedia/module2/star_lifecycle/sta r_lifecycle.swf
We are learning to: Examine the life cycle of a star and predict the next likely stage. We are looking for: progression of the stages of a star’s life Nebulae- cloud of gas and dust Protostar- fusion begins Main sequence- average star Giant/red-giant- more massive stars Nova/supernova - exploding star White dwarf- no nuclear process Black dwarf- no heat or light Black Hole (area of large gravitational attraction) or Neutron star (very dense star)
79 Birth of a Star Stars are born from a cloud of gas or dust called a nebula. The cloud condenses to form a protostar. The protostar becomes a star when the core of the star reaches 15,000,000 K and nuclear fusion begins.
80 Star Life The more massive stars live for millions of years. The less massive stars live for billions of years. Through out the life of stars, elements are fused into larger elements (hydrogen to helium to carbon to oxygen to iron).
81 Life Cycle of Stars Stars that are less massive go from a main sequence star to a red giant and finishes as a dwarf star. Stars that are more massive go from a giant star to a supernova.
82 End of a Star’s Life Star that are less than 1.4 solar masses will use up all of its hydrogen and helium and become a white dwarf. Stars that are between solar masses will produce a Type I supernova, leaving a neutron star. Stars that are greater than 3.0 solar masses produce a Type II supernova, collapsing and producing a black hole.
If given a protostar, what is the next likely stage of the star? a)Super Giant b)Nova c)Main Sequence d)Neutron Star e)I need some help 0 of 5 10
What is the first stage of the birth of a star? a)Protostar b)Nebula c)Giant d)Dwarf e)I need some help. 0 of 5 10
What happens to the most massive stars as they near their death? a)super nova to a black hole b)super nova to a red giant c)becomes a white dwarf d)nothing happens e)I need some help. 0 of 5 10
Focused Free Write (Pass the Pen) Describe the life cycle of our sun from life to death.
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We are learning to: explain that universe has billions of galaxies and are classified by shape We are looking for: shapes of galaxies Spiral- mix of old and new stars Elliptical- more developed galaxies with older stars Irregular-newer galaxies with newer stars
100 Galaxies A galaxy is a collection of millions or billions of stars. Galaxies are grouped in clusters. our galaxyThe Milky Way is a spiral galaxy (our galaxy). by shapeTypes of Galaxies (by shape): blue stars –Spiral galaxies (blue stars). red stars –Elliptical galaxies (red stars). –Irregular galaxies.
101 Quasars center of distant galaxiesQuasars are the most distant and most radiant objects in the universe (center of distant galaxies).
102 Origin of the Universe The universe is everything in space. The Big Bang Theory states that the universe began with a gigantic explosion 10 to 20 billion years ago. Proof of the theory is the red shift of stars showing the universe is expanding.
103 Future of the Universe HubbleThe universe will continue to expand (Hubble). The expansion of the universe will gradually slow down, and the universe will approach a limit in size. The universe will stop expanding and start to fall back in on itself.
By what are galaxies classified? a)Color b)Temperature c)Size d)Shape 0 of 5 10
What type of galaxy is illustrated in the following picture? a)Irregular b)Spiral c)Elliptical d)I have no idea.. I need help! 0 of 5 10
What type of galaxies contain older stars? a)Elliptical b)Irregular c)Barred shape d)spiral 0 of 5 10
Type of Galaxy Elliptical Shape of Galaxy SpiralIrregular (Draw Diagram) Types of stars