All Rights Reserved, Juran Institute, Inc. Transforming Your Health Care System into a Baldrige Winner
All Rights Reserved, Juran Institute, Inc. Today’s Agenda 1. Why Baldrige? 2. What is the roadmap to top performance? 3. The Next Steps: The Assessment Process
All Rights Reserved, Juran Institute, Inc. Top-performing Hospitals Top performing hospitals: 1.Take time, provide resources and a financial investment to be a top-decile hospital system 2.Are the benchmarks for others to follow 3.Are profitable – 3-6% margins 4.Are Baldrige capable 5.Engage Primary Care Physicians who then refer patients to your system
All Rights Reserved, Juran Institute, Inc. Top-performing Hospitals Top performing hospitals have: 1.A clear vision and strategic plan to carry out that vision 2.A relentless pursuit of patient satisfaction 3.A balanced scorecard that drives improved performance and staff behavior 4.Increased patient volumes by focusing on speed without sacrificing patient safety, quality, service, or outcomes 5.Lower costs because there is less waste 6.High employee morale
All Rights Reserved, Juran Institute, Inc. Top Performers A health care system that achieves “top-decile” performance is one that is viewed by their patients, doctors, and employees as having the highest quality service and outcomes..
All Rights Reserved, Juran Institute, Inc. Improve Patient Flow (IP, OP, ED, OR) Improve Patient Flow (IP, OP, ED, OR) Implement Efficient EMR Workflows Improve Flow in Lab, Pharmacy, Imaging Improve Flow in Lab, Pharmacy, Imaging Improve Revenue Cycle Improve Revenue Cycle Improve Clinical Outcomes Improve Clinical Outcomes Achieve Top-decile Performance Business Excellence Business Excellence Operational Excellence Operational Excellence Clinical Excellence Clinical Excellence Improve Quality and Patient Safety Improve Quality and Patient Safety What Do Top Performers Do to Win Baldrige? Improve Patient Satisfaction Improve Patient Satisfaction Reduce Cost Per Discharge Reduce Cost Per Discharge Reduce Denials and Bad Debt Reduce Denials and Bad Debt Reduce Turnover Improve Margin Attain CMS and Joint Commission Goals Attain CMS and Joint Commission Goals
All Rights Reserved, Juran Institute, Inc. Develop a P erformance E xcellence S ystem to attain top-decile performance and make you Baldrige ready. Develop a P erformance E xcellence S ystem to attain top-decile performance and make you Baldrige ready. Step 1: Create Your Own Performance System
All Rights Reserved, Juran Institute, Inc. Step 2: Develop a Roadmap to Go From Here to There DecidePrepareLaunch ExpandSustain Results Time
All Rights Reserved, Juran Institute, Inc. Step 3: Use Baldrige as Your Assessment Tool 1 Leadership 3 Customer Focus 2 Strategic Planning 5 Workforce Focus 6 Process Excellence 7 Results 4 Measurement, Analysis & Knowledge Management
All Rights Reserved, Juran Institute, Inc. Step 4: Conduct the Baldrige Assessment Benefits of the Assessment Third party evaluation of organizational processes that drive quality Assess the effectiveness and maturity of processes Understand strengths Understand opportunities for improvement Provide a basis for comparing and benchmarking Focuses the organization on the correct things to do
All Rights Reserved, Juran Institute, Inc. Step 5: Close Your Performance Gaps LeanCIQC PDSA Six Sigma LeanCIQC Improve efficiency Achieve breakthroughs Financial Results Lower Costs Loyal Physicians Improve effectiveness Higher Quality Methods Results Meet Shareholder Needs Do not confuse methods with results.
All Rights Reserved, Juran Institute, Inc. Steps to Baldrige 1. Define scope and write organization profile. 2. Conduct on-site Baldrige audit with score. 3. Develop a list of gaps to Baldrige. 4. Create a roadmap to close the gaps. 5. Close the gaps. 6. Repeat steps 1- 5 until top performer and winner capable. Steps to Baldrige Baldrige winners usually apply three times before they win – BUT they get results almost immediately!
All Rights Reserved, Juran Institute, Inc. Conducting the Baldrige Assessment Roadmap Timeline First Month 1.Agree on the first site to conduct assessment. 2.Prepare a roadmap for completing the Baldrige Assessment. 3.Identify category owners to prepare profile Second Month 1.Conduct planning sessions to review current state documentation. 2.Identify staff to be interviewed. 3.Conduct the Baldrige audit. 4.Complete the assessment report of findings and score. 5.Present Baldrige Assessment report findings and recommendations to your management team.
All Rights Reserved, Juran Institute, Inc. Conducting the Baldrige Assessment Resources Needed 1.Short Term (Assessment) Assign two staff members to assist with assessment planning and execution. Assign one leader for each category. Form ad hoc teams to help the category leader gather relevant information. 2. Long Term (Gap Closure Plan) Assign at least one full-time staff member to oversee initiatives. Establish a Steering Team made up of full-time staff who have responsibility for each category and the closure of gaps within the category. Add responsibility for gap closure to all performance plans where required. Conduct benchmarking visits to Baldrige winners.
All Rights Reserved, Juran Institute, Inc. Create Deployment Roadmap Implement Infrastructure Assure ROI Support Deployment Create Performance Excellence Programs Consult Change Readiness Assessment Conduct an Opportunity Assessment Conduct Patient Safety Assessment Conduct System Assessment Hospital Calculator Assessment for ROI Assess Design New Processes and Service Lines Process Management Assuring Patient Safety Improve Process Throughput and Cycle Times Create Process Breakthroughs Train Deploy Juran Performance Excellence Assure Culture Change Optimize ROI on EMR Workflows Certify Specialists Manage Business Processes and Value Streams Transform How Juran TM Can Help Your System Improve?