Paediatrics The Patients’ Scoliosis Journey DVD Durham &Teesside Patient Safety Conference 2015 Cheryl Honeyman - Specialist Nurse Elizabeth McLachlan - Physiotherapist
Paediatrics The Scoliosis Team Team approach to scoliosis care has been established since 2010 at South Tees 3 Spinal Surgeons Consultant Paediatrician Consultant Anaesthetists Specialist Nurse Physiotherapist Orthotists PICU and paediatric surgical ward for post-op care
Paediatrics Scoliosis is a 3 dimensional curvature of the spine that can be congenital (from birth), related to neuromuscular conditions, such as cerebral palsy and is linked to many syndromes. However, for the majority of patients with scoliosis there is no known cause and the deformity occurs in otherwise fit and well adolescents – they have adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. Referrals are from GPs, Physiotherapists, Paediatricians & other Consultants There is an established criteria for surgical consideration / intervention, but every patient is considered on an individual basis and the patient and family are a major part of the decision-making process.
Paediatrics Service Improvement Idea Well established pre-operative out-patient clinic and pathway Leaflets and verbal advice given Support groups discussed No visual aids to take home DVD discussed with MDT, videographer within trust and patients/families
Paediatrics Aims of the DVD Provide a visual representation of what is going to happen Increase knowledge about their surgery Increase patient engagement Reduce stress Increase patient satisfaction Support pre-operative teaching Provide realistic expectations Augment patients’ psychological well-being Improve Patient Safety
Paediatrics Process Liaise with Videographer within Trust Identify a patient, gain consent Start to finish 3 weeks Lots of editing! Patient and team approval DVD Live end of Dec Screening DVD at Scoliosis event
Paediatrics Using the DVD Now given out at Pre-assessment clinic So far feedback has been very positive It augments all other information given Available on You tube or trust website
Paediatrics “I watched the DVD last night. It is excellent. Dispelled a lot of concerns. Huge thanks! “ DVD Link via trust website s/paediatric-spinal/
Paediatrics Evaluation Patient Satisfaction Questionnaire is completed during the 6 week post op review. Questions around the DVD have been added to aid further audits and service improvement