Spelling at Croft Primary School
Spelling is all around us! Mouk
I take it you already know Of tough and bough and cough and dough? Others may stumble, but not you On hiccough, thorough, Slough, and through.
Well done! And now you wish perhaps To learn of less familiar traps? Beware of heard, a dreadful word That looks like beard and sounds like bird.
And dead: it’s said like bed, not bead; For goodness’ sake, don’t call it “deed”! Watch out for meat and great and threat, (they rhyme with suite and straight and debt)
A moth is not a moth in mother. Nor both in bother, broth or brother. And here is not a match for there, Nor dear and fear for bear and pear.
And then there’s dose and rose and lose Just look them up – and goose and choose. And cork and work and card and ward, And font and front and word and sword.
And do and go, then thwart and cart – Come, come, I’ve hardly made a start. A dreadful language? Why, man alive! I’d mastered it when I was five! And yet to write it, the more I try, I’ll not learn how ‘til the day I die. (Anon)
Rationale for the Revision of the Spelling Curriculum We want to take the best aspects from previous, current and draft spelling frameworks.
Spelling has 2 main strands Phonics, spelling patterns and conventions fun funny grease greasy Investigating adding prefixes and suffixes e.g. auto… anti…. ….ful …less Tricky / common words the was you way three thought inside pronunciation hindrance
Why children need to learn to spell correctly: Poor spelling creates a bad immpresion; it's the first thing a reader notises. impression; notices. Examiners, teechers and prospective employers offen place a lot of wait on spelling. teachers often weight Anxiety about spelling inhibits a child's writeing, especialy they’re choice of words. writing, especially their Even in these days of word procesors, their are still times when we need to right. processors there write.
To improve and develop their spelling children need to: Develop an interest in words Feel safe about trying new words, not just words they're sure about Learn about, the way words are built up using syllables Know about the basic spelling patterns of English Have a range of memorizing strategies Explore the meanings of words Understand prefixes and suffixes Write for their own enjoyment, without the fear that they will be criticized Read for pleasure
How spellings will be taught at Croft Primary School Foundation and Year 1 – Daily phonics session Year 2 - Discrete phonics/ spelling session at least 4 times per week Key Stage 2 - Spelling pre-test and direct teaching, then short opportunities planned throughout the week for consolidation.
This will show progress rather than just attainment Why the Pre-test? This will show progress rather than just attainment In upper Key Stage 2 ensures that pupils are only learning NEW words Helps pupils to look at where they went wrong with each word and focus on that specific part of it.
There is a variety of ways HOW spellings can be taught How spellings will be taught at Croft Primary School There is a variety of ways HOW spellings can be taught Speed writing mnemonics Learning spelling patterns Using coloured pens Breaking words into syllables Using prefixes and suffixes and their patterns LSCWC
There is a variety of ways of how spellings can be reinforced at home How spellings will be taught at Croft Primary School There is a variety of ways of how spellings can be reinforced at home Use teddies to help e n w t Make letters out of play dough Draw spellings in salt Write words with missing letters w nt Look at tricky parts of words. e n w t Test them!
What Next? We are will now run 3 short spelling / phonics sessions ( approx 15 minutes in length) to go through the spellings your children will be studying and the different ways we will deliver them. Rec/ Y1/Y2 will be held in Mrs Spratt’s Room Y3/Y4 will be held in Mrs Mongan’s Room Y5/Y6 will be held in Mrs Culliford’s Room
Thank you for listening. What Next? Thank you for listening.