Welcome Parents 4 th Grade Open House
Classroom Environment We hope to create an environment for our students that is: Safe Loving Nurturing Student centered We want each student to be successful! We want each student to learn!
Teachers Ms. LeMaire- 4A and S. S. Ms. Glaze- Computer Mrs. Ben-David- 4B and Sci.Mrs. Koska- Art Mrs. Schillaci- SpanishMr. Graham- Music Sr. Ann- Religion Coach Garza- Boy’s P.E. Mrs. Westfall- LibraryCoach Johnson- Girl’s P.E.
New Things in 4 th Grade Lockers>Mass Uniform The “Big Wing”> Pens Cursive Lockers>Mass Uniform The “Big Wing”> Pens Cursive
GRADING SCALE: For English, Spelling, Handwriting, Social Studies HOMEWORK- 10% DAILY WORK- 30% QUIZ- 20% TEST/PROJECTS- 40%
GRADING SCALE: For MATH HOMEWORK- 10% DAILY WORK- 20% Mathletics- 15% QUIZ- 15% TEST- 40% GRADING SCALE: For MATH HOMEWORK- 10% DAILY WORK- 20% Mathletics- 15% QUIZ- 15% TEST- 40%
HOMEWORK- Each student starts the 9 weeks off with a homework grade of 100 in each subject. Each time a student turns in an assignment late, the homework grade will be lowered by 5 points. Assignment will be excused with a note from a parent. LATE WORK- Students are required to turn in assignments on time, every time. In the event that a student does not have their assignment on time, 5 points will be taken off every day until it is turned in. Students will need to turn the assignment in to the "Late Work" file on the teacher’s desk.
ABSENT POLICY- When a student is absent they have one day for every day they are gone to complete the missed work. It is the student’s responsibility to ask the teacher for the missed assignments. If a student knows in advance he/she will be gone, she may ask for the work in advance. If possible we will have the work ready before the absence.
Bi-WEEKLY SPELLING TEST- we will take a pretest on the spelling words of the week every other Monday. If your child earns a 100% on the pretest, they will not have to take the spelling test on the following Friday and will earn a 100%.
The following are expected of 4th graders: - Homework planner filled out completely every day - Parent signature in homework planner every evening - All supplies, every day - Papers organized in the correct folders/Pendaflex by subject - Follow all instructions at all times - All assignments turned in on time - Clean desks and lockers
CONDUCT- Green = E Yellow = S Blue = N Red = U If a student changes their color during the day, they will fill out a sheet explaining what the infraction was and what they will do in the future to correct the behavior. The sheets will be filed in their student folder.
In addition to what students will be learning in their classes, we will also focus on: Time management skills Study skills Organizational skills Independent learning
How you can help! Please check and sign your child’s assignment spiral every night. Help them keep their blue homework folder organized. The blue homework folder should not be used to keep all papers in. Students are encouraged to leave papers in the left side of folder at home and papers in the right side of folder taken right back to school to be put in subject folder. Check that your child has all necessary supplies (Sunday nights ) Encourage your child to read 1 AR book a week and take their quizzes. Encourage your child to earn 1 Mathletics certificate (1000points)a week.
**Extras** LUNCH- if you are picnicking, please sign in at the office, sit outside or at designated tables in cafeteria. Only one guest per child is allowed. BIRTHDAYS- after 3 rd grade, students are no longer to bring treats for the class. If you are going to send invitations to pass out in class, you must send them for the entire class. FIELD TRIPS- if you would like to be a chaperone, please sign up to take the VIRTUS course.
*REMINDERS* SCHOOL STARTS AT: 7:50 A.M. - First Bell 7:55 A.M. - Tardy Bell (if tardy, a parent must accompany their child into the building to receive a class admission pass. Per Student-Parent Handbook.) UNIFORM: *dress uniform on Fridays *Spirit Shirt may be worn on Monday with jeans or khakis, below-the-knee pants or uniform shorts *all black shoes only with uniform
New school website : Is everyone able to access our homework pages? PLEASE read Mrs. Wooten’s s :) Coordinators anyone?