Rydal Medical Practice Navigator report Harry Longman
Since launch on 10/9/12 phone consults have remained stable at 650/week, or 6.1% of list, moderate demand. Face to face have fallen 40%. Recent weeks changes may be a coding issue with phone consults
Average wait to see a GP has come down a little from 3.5 to 2 days. Normally would expect this to be 1 day or below.
Little change in proportion seen same day, 60-70%. Normally would expect this to be 80-90%, given patient choice.
Frequency chart shows spread of appts booked within week, some two weeks
Spread of demand through the day: not too bad, but high peak near 8am suggests patients feel it is hard to get an appointment. Almost none after 2?
Spread of demand through the week: need to ensure GP rota matches this. NB phone only, understated due to coding.
Response times to calls: spread is very wide, median over 90 minutes, likely to mean many failed calls and patients phoning to chase up a call, rework.
Average response time has drifted slightly upwards, around 150 minutes. Could be less than half this number.
Duration of consultations, average for phone is 4 minutes, low end of normal. Face to face below 10 minutes (later weeks blended with phone, low reading)
Continuity, measured within the month, has gone up for face to face, down for telephone (but up in Jan 2013). Good level overall.
Summary Clear change from launch date, more phone appts and less face to face. Overall demand moderate Reduction in wait for face to face is small, and proportion booked on day has not changed. Are appointments being pushed into next day? Follow up face to face not needed? Spread of demand within the day is OK, but still peaky at 8am. Makes it difficult to respond quickly. Response times are very spread. Making them all much faster will improve patient satisfaction and GP sense of control. Need to priorities callbacks, predicting when demand expected by day, hour. Duration of consultations is low end, efficient. Continuity is good, maintain and improve. Key points: can be much faster at response, and offer all patients to be seen same day. Reduce pre-booked follow ups. These are least likely to convert from phone to face to face.