AJ korespondence Centrum pro virtuální a moderní metody a formy vzdělávání na Obchodní akademii T.G. Masaryka, Kostelec nad Orlicí
Prepositions Special care should be taken when using prepositions. There is a big difference between The price has been increased to £ , The price has been increased by £ , and The price has been increased from £
Accuracy - spelling Careless mistakes in a letter can give readers a bad impression. Spelling, punctuation, and grammar should all be checked carefully. You can rely on the spell cheker in your computer, but a word spelt incorrectly may form a completely different word. A spell checker would miss some mistakes. There is no substitute for carefully reading, or proofreading a letter that you have written.
Titles, names, and addresses Use the correct title in the address and salutation. Spell your correspondent´s name correctly (nothing creates a worse impression than a misspelled name), and write their address accurately. If you do not know your correspondent, do not assume that they are one sex or the other, i.e. use Dear Sir/Madam rather than Dear Sir or Dear Madam. If you do not know their sex, use Mr/Ms, e.g. Dear Mr/Ms Barron.
Prices and measurements Special care should be taken when quoting prices or giving specifications such as measuremenets or weights. Quoting these incorrectly can cause serious misunderstandings.
Enclosures and attachments Always check that you have actually enclosed the documents you have mentioned in your letter, or attached them to your . Check that you have enclosed or attached the right documents. If, for example, the document you are enclosing is invoice PL/331, make sure you do not enclose invoice PL/213. When ordering, make sure you quote the order number correctly, especially in international trade where mistakes can be very expensive.
Points to remember 1. The layout and presentation of your letter, fax or are important as they give the reader the first impression of the company´s efficiency. 2. Write both addresses in as much details as possible and in the correct order. 3. Make sure you use the recipient´s correct title in the address and salutation. 4. Do not write the month of the date in figures.
Points to remember 5. Choose the correct salutation and complimentary close. 6. Make sure your references are correct. 7. Make sure your signature block tells your reader what he or she needs to know about you. 8. Write faxes clearly when sending handwritten messages. 9. Faxes are copies, and cannot be used when original documents are required.
Points to remember 10. Prepare transmission carefully before you send it. 11. The language of faxes can be briefer and more direct is very fast and effective, but there are areas where it is preferable to use letters. 13. The language of s can be quite informal. 14. It is possible to use special abbreviations.
Points to remember 15. Include the right amount of information. 16. Plan before you start writing.Make sure you say everything you want to say in a logical sequences. 17. Use a simple but polite style of language. 18. Make sure that everything you write is clear and easy to understand. 19. Pay special attention to details such as titles and names, references and prices and remember to check enclosures.
Použité prameny Ashley, A.: Oxford handbook of commercial correspondence, Oxford 2003