Sandy Bostian Content Manager, World Digital Library Library of Congress
WDL Partner Meeting Preparing Your Content Washington, DC December 5, 2012 Before You Send It
Why does quality matter? Your images are what people see. Deep Zoom shows flaws. Put your best foot forward. Your metadata runs the display.
Before You Send It What is a digital object? Media Files Metadata Relationships Behavior Partner WDL
Before You Send It: Media Color Management We don't have the originals, you do. Use a color reference target.
Before You Send It: Media Resolution Deep Zoom shows flaws 300 pixels per inch (ppi) or 118 pixels per cm 300 ppi resolution is at 100% of original 11 x 8 book should be 3300 pixels x 2400 pixels Just because it says 300 in Photoshop doesn't mean it's 300 at original size
Before You Send It: Media 400 pixels per inch in Photoshop 100% 50% (effectively 200 pixels per inch)
Before You Send It: Media Save the Pixels, Go Lossless!! File Format JPEG is lossy If you must use JPEGS, save at highest quality. Compression LZW Preferred No JPEG compression
Before You Send It: Media Skewing Cropping Check for Missing Files
Before You Send It: Media Filenaming ASCII characters, preferably numbers Case matters (my_file vs. My_file vs. my_File) Three-letter file extensions (.tif NOT.tiff) Do not use these characters: <" *Space > : (| /?)\ Leading zeroes (0001.tif, 0002.tif…0010.tif not 1.tif, 2.tif…10.tif)
Before You Send It: Media File Corruption Checksums (md5) Bagger desktop tool BagIt Library (BIL) command line tool
Before You Send It: Media Digital Identifiers Connect your media to your metadata Most standards have a place for this: MARC: 856 $f Dublin Core: MODS: WDL Spreadsheet: image_directory/filename
Before You Send It: Metadata Abbreviations Don't use them. If you must use them, send us a glossary defining the abbreviation. Our translators are not librarians. Very time-consuming to track down what abbreviations mean in non-English languages.
Before You Send It: Metadata Name Authority Files Do use them. Virtual International Authority File ( Creator Roles CE Dates URL
Before You Send It Copyright Work specific Authors life + 70 years Please include justification
Transfer Physical Media: CD/DVD (prone to errors & corruption) Hard Drive (preferred) Network: We FTP/HTTP from your server You deliver to our new S3 dropbox
Transfer Contact us We'll send you S3 login information You upload materials We download to our landing zone
Unlimited space for uploading Your box isn't shared with others Many tools Command Line GUI S3 protocol vs. FTP Transfer
Look for documentation of the new transfer process and tools soon at: