Activity Handout 2.3 Which Hemisphere is It? Read each of the below activities and then state which hemisphere (the left or the right) controls that behavior. 1. Writing lecture notes while in class - LEFT or RIGHT (circle one) Why? verbal processing in left 2. Watching your favorite TV show - LEFT or RIGHT (circle one) Why? nonverbal information and visual recognition are right 3. Catching a ball in left field - LEFT or RIGHT (circle one) Why? visual information from the left is processed on the right side 4. Doing math problems for a homework assignment - LEFT or RIGHT (circle one) Why? math is left 5. Doing a crossword puzzle in the newspaper - LEFT or RIGHT (circle one) Why? words and language are left 6. Running a marathon - LEFT or RIGHT (circle one) Why? Both; parietal lobe controls motor activity 7. Listening to a love song with your significant other - LEFT or RIGHT (circle one) Why? symbols and emotion are right 8. Putting together a desk you just bought at the local office superstore - LEFT or RIGHT (circle one) Why? spatial reasoning is right 9. Taking a spelling test - LEFT or RIGHT (circle one) Why? grammar is left 10. Doing your yearly taxes - LEFT or RIGHT (circle one) Why?
Read each of the statements and then write down which hemisphere (the left or the right) controls that behavior.
Where’s the verbal processing done? Writing lecture notes while in class - LEFT or RIGHT? Why?
Where’s the non-verbal information and visual recognition done? Watching your favorite TV show - LEFT or RIGHT? Why? Where’s the non-verbal information and visual recognition done?
From what side is visual representation from the left processed? Catching a ball in left field - LEFT or RIGHT? Why? From what side is visual representation from the left processed?
Which side is considered the “language and words” side? Doing a crossword puzzle in the newspaper - LEFT or RIGHT? Why? Which side is considered the “language and words” side?
Which lobe controls motor activity? Running a marathon - LEFT or RIGHT? Why?
What side are symbols and emotion on? Listening to a love song with your significant other - LEFT or RIGHT? Why? What side are symbols and emotion on?
What side is spatial reasoning on? Putting together a desk you just bought at the local office superstore? Why?
Which side is grammar on? Taking a spelling test - LEFT or RIGHT? Why? Which side is grammar on?
Doing your yearly taxes - LEFT or RIGHT? Why? Which side is math on?
What did you learn? Pair off. Read yours to your partner. Switch. Compare and add/remove from yours.