SELDOC South East London Doctors’ Co-operative Mo Girach Chief Executive
Presentation Overview SELDOC New GP Contract Response/PCT Communication with members Implications Working with PCTs Service Costs Organisational Changes New Businesses Future and opportunities
SELDOC DOH Accredited OOH organisation Integrated with NHSD SE – ‘Saturday Club Integration’ Exemplar site for ‘Technical Links’ – ‘Hub’ Clinical governance in place with PRP (two lay persons) Enhanced service for violent patients Part of Liftco Project at Dulwich Development Member of Co-op UK CSSC link with Local Mental Health Trust ‘Business Link’/Learning and Skills Council Financially robust and sound Presidium Cover – 24 hours OOH Social Worker (Mental Health) Base at local A&E
New GP Contract Not a Threat ‘An Opportunity’ Why? → High quality/standard of care OOH care Robust clinical governance in place Excellent value for money Highly competitive Loyalty of GP members Disciplined ‘organisation’
Implications of New GP Contract PCT as commissioning not GP members Provide Saturday morning cover Additional cover from 6.30pm to 8.00am Securing adequate funding → ‘ cost of service’ Manpower – skill mix Opt-in or Opt-out retain service members via PCT So – What did we do?
What did we do? ‘A Dossier’ (Pros/cons of Opt-in/out) 15 Council Members Discussion/Inform Constituents Members Communication/Communication/Communication Joint questionnaire with LMC re: Opt-in/Opt-out Estimated 70 to 80% GPs will opt-in
Working with 3 PCTS Relatively good relationship Commenced work very early Accreditation of SELDOC So how did PCT and SELDOC work on OOH Care? Jointly with SELDOC and other OOH providers – PCT → service specification Close working with A&E Skill Mix Integration with NHSD Part of Urgent Care System/Whole System Approach PCT → ‘not formal tendering process’ → SELDOC responded fully and appropriately ‘Preferred Provider Status’ Quality SLAMonitoring Meeting
How much does the service cost Current membership - £1.00 per patient per year Cost of Items of Service- Advice – FREE Base Visit - £28.30 Home Visit - £44.70 GP Rates:Weekdays - £60.00/£100 Weekends - £75.00/£100 Bank Holidays - £90.00/£150 Standbys - £49.00/£98 Cost per Patient → approx £3.00 per patient (Excellent Value for Money)
Change of Name ‘On Call’ dropped ‘Co-operative’ South East London Doctors’ Co-operative Co-operative Values (true example of Social Enterprise) Change of Memorandum & Articles to include other members (public, staff, local partners) and asset lock.
Diversification from Core Business GP and Nurses Locum Service Bulk Purchasing Flu Vaccines Latex Gloves Paper Towels Travel Clinic GPwSpI (Sexual Health/Dermatology/A&E) GPs in A&E Call Centre e.g. Calls for Police Surgeons, etc. Cars lease out (in hours)
So – What next for SELDOC? Further exploratory work in: Further joint working with local PCTs GP Beds – owned/managed by GPs Nursing Homes? Interpreting Service GP Practices → Mutual/Co-operative Chronic Disease Management Clinics Specialist Nurse Clinics And so on……….