“SAFETY THROUGH QUALITY” Vessel Traffic Management and Information System on Romanian Danube ( Ro – RIS )


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Presentation transcript:

“SAFETY THROUGH QUALITY” Vessel Traffic Management and Information System on Romanian Danube ( Ro – RIS )

RIS Directive 2005/44/EC  The minimum requirements out of the RIS Directive are mentioned in Article 4, clause 4:  “In order to set up RIS, Member States shall: –(a) supply to RIS users all relevant data concerning navigation on the inland waterways referred to in Article 2. These data shall be provided at least in an accessible electronic format (Network Data); –(b) ensure that for all European Inland Waterways of class V and above in accordance with the Classification of European Inland Waterways, in addition to the data referred to in point (a), electronic navigational charts suitable for navigational purposes are available to RIS users; –(c) enable, as far as ship reporting is required by national or international regulations, the competent authorities to receive electronic ship reports on the voyage and cargo data of ships. In cross-border transport, this information shall be transmitted to the competent authorities of the neighbouring state before arrival of the vessels at the border; –(d) ensure that notices to skippers, including water level and ice reports of their inland waterways, are provided as standardised, encoded and downloadable messages. The standardised message shall contain at least the information necessary for safe navigation. The notices to skippers shall be provided at least in an accessible electronic format”

General objectives of RO-RIS  Enhancement of inland navigation safety in ports and rivers. RIS provides local and regional traffic information for safety provides local and regional traffic information for safety  Enhancement of the efficiency of inland navigation. RIS optimizes the resource management of the waterborne transport chain by the resource management of the waterborne transport chain by enabling information exchange between vessels, terminals and enabling information exchange between vessels, terminals and ports ports  Better use of the inland waterways by providing information on the status of the fairways status of the fairways  Environmental protection by providing traffic and transport information for an efficient calamity abatement process information for an efficient calamity abatement process

Services in Ro-RIS  Fairway information service  Traffic information  Traffic management  Calamity abatement  Voyage planning  Ports and terminal management  Cargo and fleet management  Statistics  Information for law enforcement

Users of Ro-RIS  Waterway and shipping authorities  Skipper/Ships owner  Port and terminal operators  Agents  Border Police  Customs

System sensors and components System sensors and components  VHF Radio Communications Network (with ATIS and voice recording)  VTS with radar  CCTV and Infrared System  Automatic Identification System AIS (maritime and inland)  DGPS IALA System  Inland ECDIS

Software applications  Core business applications: -notice to skippers -ship reporting application (integrated with Electronic Chart Display)  Management of the Resources  Document and Workflow Automation  Internal portal: all applications needed by the Port Control  External portal: dissemination of the information to the external users (


Participation in IRIS-EUROPE Project Participation in IRIS-EUROPE Project  This project is co-funded by the European Commission / Directorate General for Energy and Transport within the “Trans European Networks – Transport” programme  Specific key activities: - implement electronic reporting infrastructure - set up hull data bases for the deployment of unique ID unique ID - set up AIS infrastructure - interconnect national RIS Centers - elaborate studies for additional RIS services

VTMIS on the Danube  PHARE Project RO for completion of the technical specification and preparation of the tender technical specification and preparation of the tender dossier for the procurement (BCEOM – France 2003 / dossier for the procurement (BCEOM – France 2003 / 2004). The implementation was tendered in November 2004). The implementation was tendered in November  PHARE Project RO 2002/ for implementation of VTMIS on Danube (Ro-RIS). The implementation of VTMIS on Danube (Ro-RIS). The works started in January 2005 and finished in May works started in January 2005 and finished in May  Cost of the first phase : 4.5 million Euro  Contractors: ASESOFT (Ro), CSR (Ro), SAAB (Se), Navielektro (Fi)

Ro-RIS Second Phase Technical Specification – B&W Electronic Systems (D)  Evaluation of the current status  Elaboration of the technical specification for the second phase  Preparation of the tender specification and assistance during tendering process and contracting Objectives:  VHF and AIS full coverage of the Romanian sector  Upgrading of existing and adding new software applications  Concentrate the activity in the regional RIS centers  Exchange of data with other national RIS authorities (Au, Hu, Sk, Hr, Sr, Bg)  Financed through structural funds

Thank you for your attention !