SUMMARY OF RESOURCES Government (IRS,ACTs) Global Fund R8 (LLIN and other supporting interventions) $5.05m (1 st and 2 nd year)
LLINs Summary of previous season (stock count,etc)-4 Quarter Quantification and specification - 4 th Quarter Advertising and tendering process – 4 th Quarter Procurement of LLINs- 4 th Quarter Delivery of LLINs – 1 st Quarter Engagement of distributors/spray operators – 1 st Quarter (training) Conduct community spray Campaigns -1 st Quarter Distribution – 1 st Quarter
ACT ordering and schedule Summary of drugs from previous season – 4 th Quarter Develop a forecast for coming season - July Quantification of ACTs - July Ordering and procuring – 1 st quarter (July – Sept) Delivery – 2 nd Quarter Distribution of ACTs to all health facilities
IRS SHEDULE Servicing of equipment – 4 th Quarter (April – June) Stock count of existing stock - 4 th Quarter Advertise tender – 4 th Quarter Tendering process – 4 Quarter Ordering of insecticides and spray equipment – 4 th Quarter Delivery – 1 st Quarter (June-Aug) Engagement of spray operators – 1 st Quarter Conduct community spray Campaigns -1 st Quarter Training and spraying commences – 1 st Quarter
OTHER CORE INTERVENTIONS 1 st Quarter Develop training manuals for case management – 1 st Quarter Case Management training for clinicians- 1 st Quarter Development of training manuals for laboratory diagnosis Training of laboratory technicians on RDTs/Microscopy Training of pharmacist both private and public Training of RHMs
SUMMARY OF RATE-LIMITING FACTORS LLIN Delayed disbursement of funds Lengthy delivery processes RDT – Lack of quality control system for definitive diagnosis ACT – No capacity for drug efficacy monitoring for ACT
SUMMARY OF TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE Technical support on training guidelines and ensure protocols for RDT – (Aug – Sept 2009) Development of M&E plan- LLIN delivery and record-keeping August 2009