NHSScotland Knowledge Services eBooks summit Implementing a national eBook model Wendy Walker Senior Assistant Librarian – University of Glasgow Chair – SCOPNet eBooks
HE eBook provision up to 2013 ½ book expenditure - eBooks Individual purchases via aggregators ( ) eBook collections direct with publishers/JISC SHEDL
Collaboration SCURL – (1977- Scottish Confederation of University and Research Libraries) SCOPNet – (1999- SCURL Procurement Network) SHEDL – (2009 – Scottish Higher Education Digital Library) APUC (2007- Advanced Procurement for Universities and Colleges)
Moving forward and research Expectations/demand DRM Aggregators: changing business models Increase level of access to high quality, relevant and front list eBooks to students and academics
SCOPNet / SHEDL /APUC eBook Purchase Divided into three lots Lot 1 – Title by title purchase from resellers (Dawsons, EBL & Askews) Lot 2 - DRM-free packages purchased direct from publishers (£600k including VAT per annum) Lot 3 – Aggregator packages from companies - EBSCO, Proquest, SWETS Covers about £1m expenditure per year
Lot 1 – Individual ebook purchase Includes Patron Driven Acquisition Institutional level Outright purchase Rental/short loan Tip! “ Contractors should offer a title de- duplication service, provide MARC records as required, and provide excellent customer service and reporting tools”
Lot 2 – DRM free collections – publisher direct Principles underpinning our thinking about collaborative eBook acquisition. Same access for all HE students and staff Fair proportional contributions from all Openness about affordability & expectations Commitment (£) up front & for contract period Legal compliance (EU Tender limit)
Lot 2 - Model A – Access and Annual Full List Purchase Perpetual rights to 2013 titles purchased in 2014 Perpetual rights to 2014 titles purchased in 2015 Perpetual rights to 2015 titles purchased in 2016 Number of titles Access to yellow lists provided to ensure initial access as the purchase periods are developed. Purchase is made from the previous year, and access is provided to the following year to ensure publisher material is available. Gray colour indicates previously purchased material.
1990 to Pre 1990 Lot 2 - Model B –Full List Leased Access Pre Pre 1990 Access rights to 2014 and all previous eBooks published or available Number of titles Access rights to 2015 and all previous eBooks published or available Access rights to 2016 and all previous eBooks published or available 1990 to 2011
Lot 2 - Model C – Access and Evidence-Based Purchase Yellow indicates access, green is evidence-based purchased at the end of 2014 Yellow indicates access, green is evidence-based purchased at the end of 2015, gray colour is previously purchased titles Yellow indicates access, green is evidence-based purchased at the end of 2016, gray colour is previously purchased titles Number of titles
eBook Purchases by Tender Lot 2: Direct purchase of DRM-free eBook packages Issue tender Accept publisher submissions Outline parameters Purchase £ Purchase / lease / EBS Evaluate submissions quality Evaluate submissions cost Favourable? Open mini competition Publishers now belong on a Framework Favourable? Evaluate collectively Indicate £ Negotiation Finalise bids received
Results 5 deals Palgrave Elsevier Wiley Sage Oxford University Press Approx 28k DRM free eBooks for use in Scotland HE Evidence base model for most deals
Time for reflection eBook procurement What we have learned What next Acceptance by Scottish HE community of innovative approach with risk Benefitted from the rigour of formal tendering Not set in stone forever!
Time for reflection Value – Lot 2 Heavily discounted average cost per title Institution cost for access to 28,000 eBooks = 2,200 print books DRM free access Lower cost for processing orders Consistency for community New payment arrangements, greater efficiencies Single payments for multiple deals One organization to manage payments
Time for reflection What we have learned Time: Commitment from individuals Contract awards Content coverage Refine the tender document –Focus on key services: MARC records and supply to resource discovery services Understanding of value of purchase models –Key role of usage data –Appropriate multiplier?
Time for reflection What next Further mini-competitions Review tendering process –Focus on key services: MARC records –Focus on content coverage Consider partner feedback Review purchasing models: what is best for the community Review the purchasing process: how can we do it better Encourage participation from other key target publishers Develop the culture of tendering