Ethnic GroupCustom Minority GroupMajority Group CultureCensus.


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Presentation transcript:

Ethnic GroupCustom Minority GroupMajority Group CultureCensus

Social ScientistEthnocentrism Cultural BorrowingCultural Diffusion Limited GovernmentDemocracy

Unlimited GovernmentDictatorship Absolute MonarchyConstitutional Monarchy Primary IndustriesSecondary Industries

Tertiary IndustriesQuaternary Industries Traditional EconomiesCommand Economies Market EconomiesMixed Economies

SupplyDemand PriceIndustrialized Countries Developing CountriesMigration

UrbanizationRefugee RightsResponsibilities InterdependenceGlobalization

Trade RoutesGeography LandformEnvironment Region Global Positioning System (GPS)

Geographic Information System (GIS) Plate Tectonics FaultPlain PlateauCanyon

AquiferClimate TropicsGreenhouse Effect Tropic of CancerTropic of Capricorn

EquatorConservation PesticideEcosystem Crop RotationErosion

DeforestationAcid Rain CivilizationIrrigation System City-StateTheocracy

CuneiformEmpire DeltaPharaoh PolytheisticEmbalm

PyramidHieroglyphics PapyrusScribe MonotheismDiaspora

ScapegoatMessiah DisciplineMinister CrusadesFive Pillars of Islam

HajjChristianity IslamDelta SiltOasis

AquiferDictator TerrorismSecular Constitutional MonarchyBerbers

MosqueKibbutz MoshavKurds PalestiniansIsrael

BedouinWadi Desalinization Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) Alluvial PlainEmbargo

ShahIslamic Republic SubcontinentMonsoon Green RevolutionJute

Cottage IndustryPrime Minister PesticideCaste ReincarnationBuddhism

JudaismFamine HinduismCyclone DzongUrdu

DikeFault Communist StateFree Enterprise System InvestConsumer Goods

“One Country – Two Systems” Gobi Desert Three Gorges DamDynasty Human RightsExile

CalligraphyPagoda High-Tech IndustrySteppe NomadEmpire

YurtThe Silk Road TsunamiArchipelago Intensive CultivationClan

ShogunSamurai MegalopolisDeforestation SocialismCivil War

StraitFree Port Terraced FieldIndonesia ClassicalPolis

DemocracyPhilosophy RepublicConsul SenateEmperor

Roman LawBishop PopeMissionary MonasteryConvent

Common LawFeudalism VassalManor TenantSerf

GuildApprentice CharterIndulgences ProtestantReform

Columbian ExchangeRevolution Divine Right of KingsParliament ConstitutionMartin Luther

French RevolutionLeonardo da Vinci ProductivityHuman Resources TextilesCottage Industry

UnionStrike ImperialismAlliance CommunismHolocaust

GenocideNazis Cold WarNuclear Weapon DeterrenceSatellite Nation

BlockadeAirlift GlasnostPerestroika CapitalismEuropean Union

Euro North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) PeatBog Industrial RevolutionNationalists

LoyalistsNavigable RepublicPolder Multinational CompanyMultilingual

AutobahnFederal Republic ReunificationNeutrality Continental DivideFjord

Welfare StateHeavy Industry SaunaGeyser Geothermal EnergyDry Farming

Parliamentary RepublicSirocco Coalition GovernmentLandlocked BauxiteEthnic Cleansing

RefugeeSteppe PotashEurasia UrbanSuburb

TaigaSlavs RuralTundra CommunismLight Industry

SovietsMajority Culture Minority CultureEthnic Conflict ElevationCaucasus Mountains

IndustrializeFree Market Economy Nuclear EnergyFederal Republic Food ShortagesChechnya

Coral Reef`Poaching CassavaSisal HabitatEco-tourist

DroughtEndangered Species SavannaCanopy Hydroelectric PowerTsetse Fly

Sleeping SicknessMangrove HarmattanSubsistence Farming CacaoCompound

OvergrazePhosphate DesertificationSahel Slave TradeIvory Coast

Salt TradeBoer ApartheidTownship EnclaveSouth Africa

Copper BeltSorghum Slash-and-burn FarmingProvince NunavutIndigenous

GlacierService Industry OverfishingColony DominionBilingual

AutonomyContiguous Fossil FuelLandfill RecyclingFree Trade

AmendLand Bridge PeninsulaLatitude LongitudeAltitude

HurricaneVaquero MaquiladoraSubsistence Farming PlantationIndustrialize

North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) Jade ObsidianMaize HieroglyphicsMural

HaciendaAdobe Migrant WorkerNational Debt SmogIsthmus

CanopyLiteracy Rate Commercial CropCooperative CommonwealthSelva

EscarpmentFavela Amazon BasinPampas EstanciaGaucho

LlanosCaudillo CordilleraMestizo CampesinoFoothills

AltiplanoSodium Nitrate OutbackStation MarsupialImmigrant

BoomerangBush AborigineManuka MaoriCopra

Pidgin LanguageHigh Island Low IslandAtoll Trust TerritoryMicronesia

PolynesiaCrevasse Ice ShelfIceberg KrillOzone

AntarcticaCivic Participation Factors of ProductionScarcity Ramadan Yom Kippur and Rosh Hashanah

Technological InnovationsThematic Maps Traditional EconomyTransportation Corridors Transportation BarriersGeographic Factors