Today is … International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church
Christians face persecution in the countries marked green
Imprisoned in several countries including Eritrea Mexico North Korea Uzbekistan
Under attack in many countries including India PakistanTurkey Iran
Today we focus on one country Morocco
Morocco is the western-most Arab nation
Morocco is best known for its beach resorts
The people are ethnically Berber and Arab
Morocco is ruled by King Mohammed VI
99% of Moroccans are Muslims
Only foreigners are permitted to enter the few churches in the country
There are only about 1,000 Moroccan Christians
Moroccan Christians face persecution from friends and family
Some, like Jamaa Ait Bakrim, are imprisoned for their faith
In 2010, over 100 foreign Christians have been expelled by order of Mohammed Naciri, the new Justice Minister
Foster parents at the Village of Hope Orphanage were suddenly deported
They had to leave behind the children they had brought up
Please take your Prayer Card home and use it
Morocco will be featured in the next Church in Chains magazine (out later in November) CHURCH IN CHAINS PO Box 10447, Glenageary, Co. Dublin, IRELAND