An Introduction to The Coast Guard Auxiliary AUXCHEF Program Presented by: AUXCHEF Program National Department of Personnel March 2009 Presented by: AUXCHEF Program National Department of Personnel March 2009
What is the AUXCHEF Program?
Benefits of the AUXCHEF Program To the Auxiliary: Helps with recruiting and retention Teaches new tasks and skills Provides good public relations To the Gold Side: Relieves Coasties for other tasks and training Improves moral and well-being of Coasties To the Auxiliary: Helps with recruiting and retention Teaches new tasks and skills Provides good public relations To the Gold Side: Relieves Coasties for other tasks and training Improves moral and well-being of Coasties
Goals of the AUXCHEF Program To support the Gold Side Relieve cooks at small boat stations and on cutters Provide training to CG cooks Provide assistance at VIP events Support emergency responses To support the Gold Side Relieve cooks at small boat stations and on cutters Provide training to CG cooks Provide assistance at VIP events Support emergency responses
Qualifications Desire to help the Coast Guard Cooking experience is not a requirement Hepatitis A shots Crew qualified for future augmentation on cutters TCT training - every 2 years (8 hr.) Time to augment - assignment can range from one meal to several days Desire to help the Coast Guard Cooking experience is not a requirement Hepatitis A shots Crew qualified for future augmentation on cutters TCT training - every 2 years (8 hr.) Time to augment - assignment can range from one meal to several days
Becoming an AUXCHEF Training by AUXCHEF Certified Instructors hour course based on FS3 curriculum Certification upon successful completion Annual sanitation and advanced training Volunteer for Duty Unit CO, FS and AUXCHEF Chair will determine the level of help needed and select members to assist Training by AUXCHEF Certified Instructors hour course based on FS3 curriculum Certification upon successful completion Annual sanitation and advanced training Volunteer for Duty Unit CO, FS and AUXCHEF Chair will determine the level of help needed and select members to assist
General Issues Requests for assistance Unit will request assistance thru the AUXCHEF Chair AUXCHEF Chair will ask for an AUXCHEF in that area and will make the assignment Berthing and meals usually provided by unit Orders Type of orders depends on unit –Non-Reimbursable Orders –Reimbursable Orders -Usually Gas only for trips over 50 miles Requests for assistance Unit will request assistance thru the AUXCHEF Chair AUXCHEF Chair will ask for an AUXCHEF in that area and will make the assignment Berthing and meals usually provided by unit Orders Type of orders depends on unit –Non-Reimbursable Orders –Reimbursable Orders -Usually Gas only for trips over 50 miles
Uniforms ODU or working blues For VIP Events: white chef coat, black pants and black shoes Shots can be arranged at CG clinics Copies of AUXCHEF Certificates given to DIRAUX for placement in member files Uniforms ODU or working blues For VIP Events: white chef coat, black pants and black shoes Shots can be arranged at CG clinics Copies of AUXCHEF Certificates given to DIRAUX for placement in member files
Report Time for AUXDATA Report on 7030 (Mission Activity Report) Use 07D - CG Operational Support: Other Missions Report travel time on 7029 (Member Activity Log) Submit forms to FSO-IS and send copies to AUXCHEF Chair Report on 7030 (Mission Activity Report) Use 07D - CG Operational Support: Other Missions Report travel time on 7029 (Member Activity Log) Submit forms to FSO-IS and send copies to AUXCHEF Chair
AUXCHEF Training Curriculum Training is a hour class consisting of class room and hands-on training Based on the curriculum for an FS3 Striker Course At a Coast Guard Station and in a Coast Guard Galley Class size varies, but no more than 16 students Training is a hour class consisting of class room and hands-on training Based on the curriculum for an FS3 Striker Course At a Coast Guard Station and in a Coast Guard Galley Class size varies, but no more than 16 students
AUXCHEF Course Outline Overview of AUXCHEF Program Tools and Equipment Various types of galley equipment Knife Skills Safety and Sanitation Safe food handling and preparation Personal hygiene Safety in the workplace Knife maintenance Overview of AUXCHEF Program Tools and Equipment Various types of galley equipment Knife Skills Safety and Sanitation Safe food handling and preparation Personal hygiene Safety in the workplace Knife maintenance
Introduction to Food Preparation Basic cooking principals Introduction to recipes and recipe conversions Basic cutting techniques Hands-On Meal Preparation and Serving Working in teams: plan, prepare and serve a meal for the unit and guests Introduction to Food Preparation Basic cooking principals Introduction to recipes and recipe conversions Basic cutting techniques Hands-On Meal Preparation and Serving Working in teams: plan, prepare and serve a meal for the unit and guests
For More Information Contact Ron Ellis, Branch Chief – AUXCHEF Atlantic Russ Venti, Branch Chief – AUXCHEF Pacific Contact Ron Ellis, Branch Chief – AUXCHEF Atlantic Russ Venti, Branch Chief – AUXCHEF Pacific
Come Aboard, Become an AUXCHEF