Our Institutions
CSB/SJU Two schools, one academic program Liberal Arts, Residential, Catholic, Benedictine 3,900+ undergraduates 300+ FTE faculty Distribution requirements consume 30-40% of credits required for graduation. As much as 15% could be in courses not owned by a department Nearly 60 % of women and 45% of men (53% overall) study abroad as a part of their academic program
Essential LEAP Outcomes Knowledge of Human Cultures and Physical and Natural World Intellectual and Practical Skills Personal and Social Responsibility Integrative and Applied Learning
Intellectual and Practical Skills Inquiry and analysis Critical and creative thinking Written and oral communication Quantitative literacy Information literacy Teamwork and problem solving I
Personal and Social Responsibility Civic knowledge and engagementlocal and global Intercultural knowledge and competence Ethical reasoning and action Foundations and skills for lifelong learning
Integrative and Applied Learning Synthesis and advanced accomplishment across general and specialized studies
Small Group Discussion Questions Who owns the areas covered by LEAP questions 2, 3, and 4 on your campus? How have you overcome the barriers to meaningful assessment of these areas on your campus?
Outcomes LEAP Outcomes 2, 3, 4 Intellectual and Practical Skills Critical thinking, communication skills, info literacy Personal and Social Responsibility Civic engagement, intercultural, ethical reasoning Integrative and Applied Learning Synthesis, application in new complex settings
Collective Wisdom What works??
Expanding the Assessment Pool Teagle Grant Training Creating experts outside the Assessment Office Train faculty and staff 50+ trained over 4 years
Reaching Across Boundaries Faculty and staff working cooperatively to assess student learning in intercultural and civic engagement areas
Engaging Regular Faculty in Non-disciplinary Assessment Assessment of Student Learning in First Year Seminar and Ethics Common Seminar Faculty teams doing assessment creates ownership Sharing/discussion of results Use of results for faculty development activities
Discussing Non-disciplinary Student Learning Campus-wide CSB/SJU Wabash Project Evidence of critical thinking across curriculum First Year Seminar – Ethics Common Seminar comparison Results from departmental capstone courses and other existing sources CLA, NSSE Generate full campus conversation
Take Away Write down the one thing you want to take back to your campus.
Contact Information Phil Kramer Peggy Retka Ken Jones