Research & Documentation Centre (RDC)
Main Objectives of the RDC To identify and collect relevant documents. To preserve collected Eritrean historical records. To create awareness of documentation within the society. To give training on records and archives management. To organize and allow public access to the documents.
Holdings of RDC as a National Archives Archival Collection Italian period ( ) British period ( ) Federal period ( ) Ethiopian Period ( ) Armed Struggle period ( ) Records of post Independence period
Stone inscription in Dahlak Stone inscriptions found in Dahlak
Early stages of Italian periods records
Original manuscripts of Italian period Arabic
5. Religious Parchments Inventory of Islamic parchments Inventory of Orthodox parchments Inventory of religious artifacts
Sample of inventoried parchments
Sample of inventoried artifacts
Sample of Islamic manuscripts
Sample of Islamic Manuscripts
One of the Oldest Mosques in Eritrea as well as in Africa
Sample of Old Mosques
Workshop to Create Awareness on Preservation of Religious Manuscripts
2. Digitisation –The audio studio transfers audiocassettes and reel-to-reel into recommended archival digital Minidisks. –The video studio transfers analogue VHS, Hi-8, Betacam, Betamax, and U-matic records into recommended archival Digital Betacam formats.
Storage room of analog and digitized audio-visual collections
Audio-visual digitisation studios
3. Microfilming Written Documents –Takes pictures of old documents and preserves them in microfilm formats.
Microfilm Studio
Portable Microfilm Camera
4. Scanning The RDC scans microfilmed records for friendly use purposes.
Picture Abeba Microfilm scanning Studio
5. Photographic studio Digitizes positive, negatives films and slides
Digital Photographic Studio
Scanning and editing damaged photos
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