Black Leadership Initiative British Diversity Award for Education 2005 Mentoring Rajinder Kaur Mann Date: 18 th May 2011
Programme aims to: Raise awareness of barriers to progression amongst Black staff Explore the ways in which Institutional Discrimination impacts on black staff and organisations Understand the role of mentoring as part of a Positive Action programme Enhances listening, questioning, probing and problem-solving skills to effectively mentor Black and minority ethnic staff Provide skills to effectively manage, plan and review a mentoring session Support s mentees in clarifying their goals and career plans
BLI Mentoring Approach Mentoring black staff within a career development context Primary style is a coaching style – empower and encourage mentees to find their own solutions Leverages the knowledge, skills and experience of the mentor
Context for the Project The Commission for Black Staff in FE Under-representation of Black Staff Community cohesion, widening participation and social inclusion Recruitment & retention crisis in FE The business case for a positive action programme of mentoring for Black staff in FE Social and economic/moral case for equality
Commission’s Report Some barriers to progression identified by the report –Under-representation of Black staff at senior level –Under-representation compounded by Black staff being more likely to be on fixed-term contracts –Many colleges don’t acknowledge racism as an issue or know how to tackle it effectively –‘Glass ceiling’ preventing progression –Qualifications, experience and contributions of Black staff undervalued –Organisational change resulting in discriminatory practices –Marginalisation of Black staff
The Black Leadership Initiative Positive Action Programme funded by LSIS Initially a pilot sponsored by the LSC (2002 – 2006) Funded by CEL (2004 – 2006) Nov 2006, BLI transferred to the NBP Reputable quality brand Highly regarded by DIUS, sector agencies, and across the public sector
The Black Leadership Initiative Unequivocal emphasis on BME career progression: –Secondments –Work Shadowing inc. Ofsted –Career Development Workshops –Policy Seminars –Networking –First/Next Steps to Leadership –High Fliers
Mentoring The ‘flagship’ programme –Focused on individual career development –Coaching within a mentoring framework – shared ownership, establish a rapport –Empowering both Black and White colleagues to be part of the solution –Winning hearts & minds, and breaking down barriers –14.5% Principals/CEs in the FE sector are BLI-trained mentors
Challenging Counselling Coaching Teaching Advice Sounding board Safety valve Mentoring arena Types of interaction when mentoring
Knowledge of networks Life experience Knowledge of people Power & influence Technical expertise Career options Organisation experience Mentor The Mentor’s Contribution
Benefits of mentoring for mentees Provides impartial advice and encouragement Develops a supportive relationship Assists with problem solving Improves self-confidence Offers professional development Encourages reflection on practice
Benefits for the mentor Opportunity to reflect on own practice Enhances job satisfaction Develops professional relationships Enhances peer recognition It uses your experience, making it available to a new person
Benefits for the mentor It widens your understanding of the organisation and the way it works It enables you to practice interpersonal skills It provides personal satisfaction through supporting the development of others
Motivating others A lot of people have gone further than they thought they could because someone else thought they could.
Mentoring is a brain to pick, an ear to listen, and a push in the right direction. John C. Crosby
Rajinder Mann Executive Director Telephone No: The Black Leadership Initiative The Network’s Professional Development and Training Services