Introductions Name Where you work Something you are good at
Multi Agency Transitions Protocol signed off and endorsed at highest strategic level Multi Agency Transitions Board Joint Commissioner Transitions Background
Purpose of the Protocol To ensure that disabled young people with complicated needs receive appropriate co- ordinated support to help them to move from adolescent to adulthood To set up planning and review processes To clarify which young people we should offer support to through the planning process
Aims To enhance the transition process for disabled young people and their parents / carers To gain commitment of all key partners To ensure the feedback from disabled young people and their parents / carers is at the centre of service improvement
What makes a successful transition?
Transition matters to the whole family
TRANSITION PATHWAY Year 9 Aged 14 Year 10 Aged 15 Year 11 Aged 16 Year 12 Aged 17 Aged 25 Aged 18 Person Centred Plan You may get help to do this Year 9 School Review Health Action Plan You may get help to do this Health Care Support Year 11 School Review CHC Assessment Leaving or staying at School Year 12 School Review Transition to Adult Services Year 10 School Review SDS and so on 18+ services Section 139a assessment Leaving Care Assessment of Need and ‘Pathway Plan ’
Children and Families Act Introduces a single, simpler assessment process for children with SEN or disabilities, backed up by new Education, Health and Care Plans - part of the biggest reforms to SEN provision in 30 years. Duty to ensure Joint commissioning arrangements are made to meet needs of EHCP Extends the duty to Acadamies to ensure appropriate provision is available Duty on LA’s to provide information on all services available for children with SEN and disabilities (Local Offer) Must prepare a Personal Budget if asked to do so by young person or parent/ carer Option to extend the continuation of services from section 17 of the 1989 children’s act beyond the age of 18
Care Act 2014 People will be confident about the quality of care People will be treated with dignity and respect Everyone will know what they are entitled to Everyone will have control over their care Carers will have new rights to public support
Important to and Important for Bag of Tricks!
Person Centred Approaches Important To Important For Makes life worth living Keeps people healthy, well and safe
Person centred, thinking, approaches & planning ‘ A process of continual listening and learning focused on what is important to a person now and in the future and acting on this in alliance with friends and family’ Helen Sanderson 1990 The person is at the centre In Partnership with Family and Friends Focuses on what is important to a person, their capacities and what support they require Has a bias towards community On-going listening and learning
Person Centred thinking…… Helps us to listen more deeply and more carefully to people
7 Steps to Self Directed Support
1.Eating and drinking (meeting my nutritional needs) 2.Managing my practical tasks of daily living 3.Meeting my personal care needs 4.Being part of my local community 5.Accessing work and learning 6.Making decisions and organising my life 7.Parenting 8.Managing the risks in my life Questionnaire 8 Outcomes
Resource Allocation System At this stage the personal budget is an notional budget to start planning with Only when the support plan has been signed off by the local authority will the resource be a final agreed budget until next review
What can the Budget be used for? Anything as long as it is: Lawful Sustainable Does not put the individual (or anyone else) at risk Not being used to fund services that can be provided by another source Meets eligible social care needs in the most cost effective way
Who can Manage the Money? Person Representative Trust Provider Local Authority
Key Learning What makes a good transition Working together helps make a good transition How to overcome barriers by working together What should be happening when and where to find out if you forget! Keep informed of changes in legislation Use person centred planning techniques in all you do to help make sure we focus on what is important to and for the young person you are working with Seek feedback and make changes Be ambitious!!