© OECD A joint initiative of the OECD and the European Union, principally financed by the EU. The Liverpool Way...a journey to Excellence “Quality Management in the Public Sector” Vilnius March 2006
Maureen Sparks Head of Business Process Re-Engineering Liverpool City Council
The Way We Were 23,500 employees 3rd from bottom in national performance league table Highest council tax in UK Attracted attention for all the wrong reasons Strategies, strategies, strategies….. Not enough action £2bn turnover High cost/low quality services Endemic powerlessness
Challenge sense of powerlessness lack of accountability organisation around past problems duplication of effort huge complexity meet rising customer expectations increase accessibility lack of vision and pride
The way forward New political and officer management teams New vision of Seaport to e-Port Intelligence Led Government Taking the services to the people Responsive, joined up, strategic, best value services Deliver a real and lasting change for our city and our citizens
EFQM Excellence Model focus on leadership placing the customer at the heart of ‘what we do’ performance management people development joint venture partnership technology as a driver for change
RADAR RADAR Logic Results Approach Deployment Assessment Review
Approach customers leadership people
Customer Customer Contact Strategy Corporate Change Team Reach and Richness Partnerships
Customer Contact 450,000 residents city centre working population 55, million visitors 1 million library visitors a year 2.6 million leisure services visits a year 74,000 school pupils
Customer Contact network of one stop shops 24 x 7 x 365 contact centre first point of contact resolution reach and richness recognised brand intelligence led local government enhanced customer experience
How Customers Contact Us 9 transactional on-street kiosks 12 One Stop Shops Website 24x7 call centre SMS texting Digital TV
Leadership political and managerial leadership vision with incremental action ownership and accountability role model behaviour reward and recognition internal communications
Performance Management individual performance plans and evaluations service plans internally-set team targets measured against government targets
People Development performance plan at individual, team and service level learning and development plans induction evaluation and cost benefit analysis
People Development Liverpool Way Management and professional development Investors In People Ideas Win Prizes The Lord Mayors Meritorious Scheme Service Improvement Awards
The Liverpool Way core skills behaviours leadership and professional development customer contact social care
customer excellence and continuous improvement employee involvement, team work and empowerment improved accountability reduced operational costs and improved performance innovation Outcomes
RADAR for Liverpool in Summary
Results Liverpool rd from bottom in council league table highest council tax in UK poor quality services failing education service endemic powerlessness failing city 131 reception points switchboard for telephony contact
Results Liverpool 2006 Developing actionable knowledge to achieve intelligence-led services based around customer Driving quality and customer focus – not a ‘numbers’ game Attracting local/national/international interest 24x7x365 call centre 12 One Stop Shops 9 transactional on-street kiosks Website SMS texting
Approach and Deployment technology as driver for change commitment from the top vision and values strong branding keep it simple robust management systems continuous improvement
Assessment and Review best value performance indicators service inspections satisfaction surveys and feedback consultation with customers benchmarking continuous process improvement
Achievements “good” council rating recognised for excellence – UK EFQM Excellence Awards 2005 investor in people 2003 investor in people leadership & management 2005 best in sector – Public sector – Call Centre Association Excellence Awards 2004 ‘Public Sector Innovation of the Year Award’ – Professional Planning Forum 2005 ‘Member of the Year Award’ - Call Centre Association Excellence Awards 2005
“Thank You”