Project risk An uncertain event or condition that, if it occurs, has a positive or negative effect on at least one project objective (time, cost, scope, quality) May have one or more causes May have one or more impacts Risk conditions could include aspects of the project’s or organization’s environment that may contribute to project risk 2010
A risk response generates by the project team as it is worth Known risk Identified & analyzed A risk response generates by the project team as it is worth Unknown risk Can not be managed proactively 2010
PROJECT RISK MANAGEMENT PROCESSES Plan Plan Risk Management Identify Risk Perform Qualitative Risk Analysis Perform Quantitative Risk Analysis Plan Risk Response Control Monitor and Control Risk 2010
1 PLAN RISK MANAGEMENT Deciding how to: approach conduct the risk management activities for a project The risk management planning process should be completed early during project planning process The level of detail will vary with the needs of the project 2010
Questions Addressed in a Risk Management Plan (Schwalbe: ITPM Table 11-2). 2010
Terms: Contingency plans are predefined actions that the project team will take if an identified risk event occurs Fallback plans are developed for risks that have a high impact on meeting project objectives Contingency reserves or allowances are provisions held by the project sponsor that can be used to mitigate cost or schedule risk if changes in scope or quality occur 2010
PLAN RISK MANAGEMENT INPUT OUTPUT Project scope statement Cost management plan Schedule management plan Communications management plan Enterprise environmental factors Organizational process assets Risk management plan TOOLS & TECHNIQUES Planning meetings & analysis 2010
PLAN RISK MANAGEMENT INPUT Project scope statement (see: scope definition) Project management plan (Cost; schedule; communication) Enterprise environmental factors Policy statements express risk attitudes and tolerance Organizational process assets Risk categories, risk tolerance Templates Roles and responsibilities, and authority levels of decision making 2010
PLAN RISK MANAGEMENT TOOLS & TECHNIQUES Planning meetings & analysis Project manager Selected team members & stakeholders Person in the organization with responsibility to manage the risk planning and execution 2010
PLAN RISK MANAGEMENT OUTPUTS Risk management plan, includes: Methodology: approaches, tools, data sources to perform risk management Roles & responsibility Defines the lead, support, and risk management team membership for each type of activity, Assign people to these roles Clarifies their responsibilities 2010
PLAN RISK MANAGEMENT OUTPUTS (cont) Risk management plan, includes (cont 1): Budgeting: Assigns resources Estimates costs Included in the project cost baseline Timing: When? How often? Establishes risk management acivities to be included in the project schedule Risk categories: Risk Breakdown Structure Templates, based on previous projects 2010
PLAN RISK MANAGEMENT OUTPUTS (cont) Risk management plan, includes (cont 2): Definitions of risk probability & impact Probability & impact matrix Revised stakeholder tolerance Reporting formats Tracking (whether & how risk management processes will be audited) 2010
PLAN RISK MANAGEMENT OUTPUTS: Risk Breakdown Structure 2010
Relative or numerical scales are shown PLAN RISK MANAGEMENT OUTPUTS: Probability & Impact Matrix for 4 Project Objectives Defined conditions for impact scales of a risk on major project objectives Project Objective Relative or numerical scales are shown Very low / 0,05 Low / 0,10 Moderate / 0,20 High / 0,40 Very high / 0,80 Cost Insignificant cost increase < 10% cost increase 10 – 20% cost increase 20 – 40% cost increase >40% cost increase Time Insignificant time increase < 5 % time increase 5 – 10% time increase 10 – 20% time increase >20% time increase Scope Scope decrease barely noticeable Minor areas of scope affected Major areas of scope affected Scope reduction unacceptable to sponsor Project end item is effectively useless Quality Quality degradation barely noticeable Only very demanding applications are affected Quality reduction required sponsor approval Quality reduction unacceptable to sponsor 2010
Project Risk Management Worksheet RISK PROBA-BILITY IMPACT DESCRIPTION LEVEL OF IMPACT DATE OF IMPACT PRIORITY LEVEL RISK MANAGEMENT PLAN Risk probability & level of impact: VL=very low; L=low; M=medium; H=high; VH=very high 2010
2 IDENTIFY RISK Determining which risks might affect the project and documenting their characteristics An iterative process; new risks may be known as the project progresses through its life cycle 2010
IDENTIFY RISK Risk register INPUT OUTPUT Risk management plan Activity cost estimates Activity duration estimates Scope baseline Stakeholder register Cost management plan Schedule management plan Quality management plan Project documents Enterprise environmental factors Organizational process assets Risk register TOOLS & TECHNIQUES 2010
IDENTIFY RISK Risk register INPUT OUTPUT TOOLS & TECHNIQUES Documentation reviews Information gathering techniques Checklist analysis Assumption analysis Diagramming techniques SWOT analysis Expert judgement 2010
Assignments of roles & responsibilities IDENTIFY RISK INPUT Risk management plan Assignments of roles & responsibilities Provision for risk management acrtivities in the budget & schedule Categories of risk Activity cost estimates Activity duration estimates 2010
Uncertainty in project scope statement Stakeholder register IDENTIFY RISK INPUT Scope baseline Uncertainty in project scope statement Stakeholder register Project management plan Schedule namagement plan Cost management plan Quality management plan 2010
Enterprise environmental factors IDENTIFY RISK INPUT Project documents Enterprise environmental factors Published information, commercial databases, benchmarking, industry/academic studies Organizational process assets Lesson learned & actual data from previous project files 2010
IDENTIFY RISK TOOLS & TECHNIQUES Documentation reviews Information gathering techniques Brainstorming Delphi technique Root cause analysis Interviewing: Experienced project participants; stakeholders; experts Checklist analysis Assumptions analysis 2010
IDENTIFY RISK TOOLS & TECHNIQUES Diagramming Techniques Cause & effect diagram System / process flow diagram SWOT analysis Expert judgment 2010
List of identified risk List of potential responses IDENTIFY RISK OUTPUTS Risk register List of identified risk List of potential responses 2010
3 PERFORM QUALITATIVE RISK ANALYSIS Prioritizing risks for subsequent further analysis or action by assessing and combining their probability of occurrence and impact 2010
Potential Risk Conditions Associated with Each Knowledge Area (Schwalbe: Table 11-5.) 2010
PERFORM QUALITATIVE RISK ANALYSIS INPUT OUTPUT Risk register Risk management plan Project scope statement Organizational process assets Risk register updates TOOLS & TECHNIQUES Risk probability and impact assessment Probability and impact matrix Risk data quality assessment Risk categorization Risk urgency assessment Expert judgment 2010
PERFORM QUALITATIVE RISK ANALYSIS INPUT Risk register List of identified risks Risk management plan Roles & responsibilities for conducting risk management Budget; schedule; probability & impacts matrix; Stakeholders’ risk tolerances Project scope statement Technology used (common / state of the art) Organizational process assets Data about risks on past projects Lessons learned knowledge base 2010
PERFORM QUALITATIVE RISK ANALYSIS TOOLS & TECHNIQUES Risk probability and impact assessment Investigate the potential effect (neg or pos) on a project objective Probability & impact are assessed for each identified risk. The level is evaluated during the interview or meeting. Probability and impact matrix Ratings are assigned to risks based on their assessed probability and impact. Result: low or moderate or high risks. Risk rating rules can be tailored in the risk management planning 2010
Probability & Impact Matrix Threats Opportunities 0,90 0,05 0,09 0,18 0,36 0,72 0,70 0,04 0,07 0,14 0,28 0,66 0,50 0,03 0,10 0,20 0,40 0,30 0,02 0,06 0,12 0,24 0,01 0,08 0,80 Impact ( ratio scale) on an objective (e.g. cost, scope, time, quality = high risk = low risk 2010
PERFORM QUALITATIVE RISK ANALYSIS TOOLS & TECHNIQUES Risk data quality assessment Require accurate and unbiased data Risk categorization RBS & others Risk urgency assessment Risk requiring near-term responses may be considered more urgent to address Expert judgment 2010
PERFORM QUALITATIVE RISK ANALYSIS OUTPUTS Risk register updates, includes Relative ranking or priority list of project risk Risks grouped by categories List of risks requiring response in the near-term List of risks for additional analysis and response Watch lists of low priority risks Trends in qualitative risk analysis results 2010
4 PERFORM QUANTITATIVE RISK ANALYSIS Assess the likelihood and impact of identified risks to determine their magnitude and priority Performed on risks that have been prioritized by the qualitative risk analysis process as potentially and substantially impacting the project competing demands Large, complex projects involving leading edge technologies often require extensive quantitative risk analysis Managers often perform quantitative risk analysis right after risk identification process Should be repeated after risk response planning 2010
PERFORM QUANTITATIVE RISK ANALYSIS INPUT OUTPUT Risk register Risk management plan Cost management plan Schedule management plan Organizational process assets Risk register updates TOOLS & TECHNIQUES Data gathering and representation techniques Quantitative risk analysis and modeling techniques Expert judgment 2010
PERFORM QUANTITATIVE RISK ANALYSIS INPUT Risk register Identified risks Relative ranking or priority list of project risk Risks grouped by categories Risk management plan Roles & responsibilities Budget; schedule activity for risk management; Probability & impacts matrix; Stakeholders’ risk tolerances Risk categories 2010
PERFORM QUANTITATIVE RISK ANALYSIS INPUT Project management plan Schedule management plan Cost management plan Organizational process assets Similar completed projects information Risk databases Studies of similar projects by risk specialists 2010
PERFORM QUANTITATIVE RISK ANALYSIS TOOLS & TECHNIQUES Data gathering and representation techniques Interviewing probability & impact on project objectives Probability distribution Expert judgment Quantitative risk analysis and modeling techniques Sensitivity analysis Expected monetary value (EMV) analysis EMV = ∑ pi . Qi p = probability Decision tree analysis a diagramming method used to help select the best course of action in situations in which future outcomes are uncertain 2010
Quantitative risk analysis and modeling techniques Modeling and simulation : a representation or model of a system to analyze the expected behavior or performance of the system Monte Carlo analysis simulates a model’s outcome many times to provide a statistical distribution of the calculated results To use a Monte Carlo simulation, you must have three estimates (most likely, pessimistic, and optimistic) plus an estimate of the likelihood of the estimate being between the optimistic and most likely values 2010
Decision Tree Sumber: Schwalbe 2004 2010
PERFORM QUANTITATIVE RISK ANALYSIS OUTPUTS Risk register updates Updates includes : Probabilistic analysis of the project Probability of achieving cost and time objectives Prioritized list of quantified risks Trends 2010
5 PLAN RISK RESPONSES Process of developing options, and determining actions to enhance opportunities and reduce threats to the project objectives Planned risk response must be: Appropriate to the significance of the risk Cost effective in meeting the challenge Timely Realistic within the project context Agreed upon by all parties involved Owned by a responsible person 2010
PLAN RISK RESPONSE Risk register Risk management plan INPUT OUTPUT Risk register Risk management plan Risk register updates Risk related contract decision Project management plan updates Project document updates TOOLS & TECHNIQUES Strategies for negative risk or threat Strategies for positive risks or opportunities Contingent response strategies Expert judgment 2010
PLAN RISK RESPONSE INPUT Risk register Identified risks Root causes of risks List of potential responses Risk owners Risk symptoms & warning signs Risk management plan Roles and responsibilities Risk analysis definitions Risk thresholds for low, moderate, and high risk Time & budget required to conduct project risk management 2010
PLAN RISK RESPONSE TECHNIQUES Strategies for negative risk or threat Avoid: changing the project plan to eliminate the threat posed by an adverse risk ( acquiring expertise, obtaining information, etc) Transfer: shifting the consequence of a risk and responsibility for its management to a third party (insurance) Mitigate: taking early action to reduce the probability of its occurrence 2010
General risk mitigation strategies for technical, cost, and schedule risks Source: Schwalbe, ITPM 3rd ed 2010
RISK RESPONSE PLANNING TOOLS & TECHNIQUES Strategies for positive risks or opportunities Exploit (ensure ) Share (allocating ownership to a third party) Enhance Contingent response strategies Used only if certain events occur Expert judgment 2010
PLAN RISK RESPONSE OUTPUTS Risk register updates Risk related contractual agreements Agreements for insurance, services, etc Project management plan updates Project document updates 2010
6 MONITOR & CONTROL RISK Monitoring risks involves knowing their status Controlling risks involves carrying out the risk management plans as risks occur Workarounds are unplanned responses to risk events that must be done when there are no contingency plans 2010
MONITOR & CONTROL RISK INPUT OUTPUT Risk register Project management plan Work performance information Performance reports Risk register updates Organizational process assets updates Change requests` Project management plan updates Project document updates TOOLS & TECHNIQUES 2010
MONITOR & CONTROL RISK INPUT Project management plan Assignment of people (risk owners), time, other resources to project risk management Risk register Work performance information Project deliverables status Corrective actions Performance reports Analysis results 2010
MONITOR & CONTROL RISK TOOLS & TECHNIQUES Risk reassessment Identification, analysis, response design of new risks Risk audits Examine the effectiveness of the risk mgmt process Variance and trend analysis EV analysis; CPI; SPI Technical performance measurements Comparing performance vs project management plan Reserve analysis Time & budget Status meetings Periodic 2010
MONITOR & CONTROL RISK OUTPUTS Risk register updates Organizational process assets updates Lessons learned Change requests Project management plan updates Project documents updates 2010
TUGAS Buatlah Risk Management Worksheet untuk proyek anda 2010