FUND RAISING and Relationships with Donors Finley Graves Senior Associate Dean University of North Texas
Fund Raising and Relationships with Donors Fundraising experience - Head, Department of Accounting Kansas State University - Chair, Department of Accounting University of North Texas
Fund Raising and Relationships with Donors It IS about building relationships…and trust - Visit alums in their setting - Listen – learn about them - Listen – use the opportunity for program assessment
Fund Raising and Relationships with Donors Building trust - Be candid about challenges, but … - Never, never be negative - Take program critique to heart
Fund Raising and Relationships with Donors Identify your greatest need - Excellence money? - Salary supplements? - Scholarships? Have a giving program Have a proposal
Fund Raising and Relationships with Donors
Thank yous
Fund Raising and Relationships with Donors Should I work with University Development Officers? ABSOLUTELY!
Fund Raising and Relationships with Donors Reasons to work with University Development Officers: 1. Identifying prospects 2. Knowing means of prospects 3. Cultivating prospects in advance 4. Making appointments and documenting visits 5. Facilitating visits and making the ask 6. Obtaining tax and financial planning advice 7. Helping plan and finance events 8. Helping write professional proposals 9. Coordination with other fundraisers on campus 10. Having Development on your side
Fund Raising and Relationships with Donors What if MY alum wants to give to, say, Education or Athletics? What if the President (Dean) approaches MY alum? Are mass mailings worth the investment?
Fund Raising and Relationships with Donors Building and Maintaining Relationships - Stewardship visits - Recognitions - Celebrations/Receptions - Reunions - Special invitations to University events
Fund Raising and Relationships with Donors Organizing major gift campaigns (Chairs, Professorships) - Use names of influential professors - Start with major givers - Early phase is quiet phase - Go public after major funding accomplished
Fund Raising and Relationships with Donors Tips – - Dress professionally - Ask about the donors family or interests - Scan the newspaper or Internet before a visit - Know facts about your program/University - Watch the time, donors are busy people - Thank yous, thank yous, thank yous
Fund Raising and Relationships with Donors Final tip – You dont ask, you dont get!
Fund Raising and Relationships with Donors Good luck and have fun!