Sandy Adair
During my internship I addressed this competency in a variety of ways. I was able to develop a positive rapport with the staff early on by taking the time to identify positive attributes of each faculty member. I left notes in their box with a positive statement of what I observed. I facilitated and developed team building activities during professional development with the staff that assisted in shaping the culture.
During my internship I addressed this competency in a variety of ways. I was the Volunteer in Public School Representative. I was able to reach out into the community and develop schedules for volunteers to help our students and meet their needs. Throughout this process, I learned the importance in following district procedures for allowing volunteers to work with our students on our campus.
During my internship I addressed this competency in everything. The words I spoke were always honest. My actions were always done with integrity and fairness. In everything I planned, created, or implemented I did in an ethical manner. I have learned that your reputation is vital in everything. It is extremely important that your staff knows that you are one of integrity and fairness. This will be promote the foundation needed for a great team!
During my internship I addressed this competency throughout my Instructional Leadership role. I was the Neuhaus Literacy Small Group Facilitator. This enabled me to assist with literacy instruction in our classrooms. I was able to assist with data analysis from TPRI/TEJAS LEE results which identified specific student needs. This data was used to guide instruction with flexible groupings for small group instruction. I also was the Testing Coordinator on our campus. This gave me the experience to assist teachers with benchmark data analysis. I worked with the rest of our admin team to create Heat Maps based on TEK Objectives. This resulted in a report that supported our teachers with targeted instruction.
During my internship I addressed this competency throughout my Instructional Leadership role. As I stated in Competency 004, I was the Neuhaus Literacy Small Group Facilitator for our campus. I was trained and able to bring back valuable information to our teachers. I conducted several PLC’s in which I delivered presentations on effective small group instruction and focused group management systems. During these PLC’s meetings I was able to provide research based data and assist teachers in translating these ideas into their classrooms. Through PLC’s I was able to provide professional development that created a campus culture conducive to student learning.
During my internship I addressed this competency throughout my Instructional Leadership role. Part of my role this year was to coach teachers. I went to Leadership Meetings with my assistant principal that developed my ability to offer effective feedback. Upon completion of these meetings, I immediately implemented the new strategies I learned. I was able to observe teachers, and created a systematic feedback conference form that resulted in providing teachers with the ability to identify weaknesses and together we created an action plan.
During my internship I addressed this competency throughout my Instructional Leadership role. My role this year as part of the administration team allowed me ample opportunity to participate in decision-making. I participated in weekly leadership meetings with my principal and assistant principal. During these meetings we discussed current issues on our campus and developed a plan to solve any problems. Sometimes we solved problems and other times it was a problem worth sharing with particular individuals on campus and gain their input. I found this to be a valuable problem solving tool in some circumstances.
During my internship I addressed this competency throughout my Instructional Leadership role. I was part of the interview panel on our campus. We interviewed several candidates at the beginning of the year to fill two teaching positions and assistant principal position. This spring we have been interviewing for openings we are aware of for next year. I was part of the Site-Based Decision Making Committee (SDMC) which made me aware of campus budget items. I was also a ProCard holder and was able to go through the process of allocating funds and gaining approval. As the Title I Contact for our campus, I received and monitored Title Funds along with the principal. All this aside, I wish I would have had more opportunity to work with the principal on school budget, but this did occur.
During my internship I addressed this competency throughout my Instructional Leadership role. After identifying procedural problems in the cafeteria and collaborating with the faculty and staff members, we developed a system to make lunchtime a safe and stress free environment. I created a seating chart and communicated with the staff on the lunch procedures. We also created an incentive program to reward students who behaved appropriately during lunch. This included a tracking poster and monthly incentives in which I monitored. I also was the supervisor for the teaching assistants, I created a schedule which allowed them to monitor the students in the cafeteria. This promoted a safe environment.