Student(s) Drop Off and Pick Up Our goal is to make the school community safer.
Enter/E. Villa Place When turning from South Fort Thomas Avenue, please be considerate of other drivers when entering E. Villa Place.
St. Thomas School Parking Lot Turn left off of E. Villa Place into the school parking lot (Church is on the right of the lot).
Gate Between Main School Building and Activity Center This gate will be locked from 6:45 a.m. to 3:15p.m.
Drop Off & Pick Up Lane Turn left and proceed to plaza area. Plaza is located on the right to drop off and pick up student(s).
School Plaza Area Car rider drop off and pick up of student(s) from the plaza area is between the two benches. When student(s) have been picked up, exit onto S. Ft. Thomas Avenue.
Exit School Parking Lot S. Ft. Thomas Avenu e
Drop Off/Pick Up Drop Off (Car Riders) Students may enter the building at 7:30 a.m. Students will enter the school by way of the plaza area. Parking lot will be supervised until 8:00 If you arrive after 8:00, please walk your child into the school office to sign them in. Pick Up (Car Riders) Dismissal will be promptly at 2:50. Loading zone will be supervised until 3:10. After 3:10 parents must come to the office to pick students up.
Sidewalks/Plaza Area For walkers, please wait for the Traffic Guard to allow you to proceed. Traffic will be stopped both ways on S. Ft. Thomas Avenue to allow parents to exit the driveway.
Student Walkers Walkers will be dismissed following All car rider(s) being picked up. Your student will be deemed a walker even if you are parked on S. Ft. Thomas Avenue or a side street.