1 EDL 5890 Practicum in Educational Administration Please sit in the middle, front rows!
2 Agenda Introductions Graduation/Certification Overview of the practicum Meet with university supervisor
3 EIU Department of Educational Leadership Dr. Marleis Trover Dr. David Bartz Dr. John Dively Dr. Nick Osborne Mrs. Catrina Stanley Dr. David Grace
4 This course provides students with clinical experiences in educational administration and organization under the direct supervision of a practicing administrator and a university professor. EDL 5890 Practicum in Educational Administration
5 Learning by doing Self-directed Requires a change of roles No longer a teacher/counselor/nurse/social worker/school psychologist, etc. administrative intern Dealing with privileged information --- confidentiality Union issues
6 Requirements for Practicum Handbook and other materials available at: Look under: Current, Students, Practicum Information Username: Practicum (capital P) Password: EDL5890 (EDL is capitalized, no spaces)
7 Hours 200 total hours –80 hours allotted for research and write-ups –120 hours of direct administrative experiences These hours are to be spread over the entire 6 months to allow for an extensive practicum experience. Only 10 hours of supervision can be used. Logged hours cannot include meetings, parent conferences, or other activities that the student would normally engage in during his/her regular work assignment. Time can include on-site work on required projects, but not research or writing/typing those projects. Workshops: Maximum of 6 hours
8 Logs Typed log sheets for each week Certified by host administrator Submitted to the university supervisor
9 Projects 7 Projects 1.Discipline 2.Special Education/504 3.Teacher Observations 4.Equity Audit 5.Shadowing (diversity shadowing if required) 6.Finance 7.Culminating Project – Action Research Paper and PowerPoint
10 Activities 20 Activities Standards-based 1.Vision 2.Curriculum & Instruction 3.Management 4.School/Community 5.Ethics 6.Political, Cultural, & Legal ***Other: Prior approval required
11 Demographic Form If the total minority enrollment is fewer than 20%, then the student must shadow an administrator for one day in a culturally- diverse site. Visit may count as one of the shadowing requirements (different level)
12 Written Reports All activities & projects: –Require a written report and documentation –Follow instructions in Practicum Handbook –If an activity is on-going, complete one write- up when the activity is finished. –All write-ups should follow proper rules of grammar and instructor guidelines. They should be typed, double spaced, and edited carefully. Attach supporting documentation to the write-up.
13 Evaluation Intern downloads evaluation off of department website or university supervisor may send electronically. The intern is to list projects/activities that demonstrate that each standard element has been met. Then give to host administrator to complete. Host administrator mails to university supervisor. Grade is determined by university supervisor.
14 Apply for Graduation Fall 2013 by November 5, 2013 Spring 2014 by March 19, 2014 Apply for Graduation on the PAWS system – Students must also complete the Graduate Student Exit Interview on PAWS before degree will be conferred
15 Apply for Certification Directions to apply for Type 75 Certification and its processes To fall under “old” rules, certification must be completed by June 30, 2014 Department of Educational Leadership Website at Look under Current Students, State Certification Information - Verification of Experience - Administrative Entitlement Request Form - EIU Transcript Request Form Send original Verification of Experience and Administrative Entitlement Request Form directly to our office Send an Official EIU Transcript directly to the State Board of Education
16 EDL 5890 Course Registration Several sections of EDL 5890 Students were placed in a section based on geographic location unless department informed of tuition waiver being used
17 Keys to Success Get started soon Have a plan Don’t procrastinate Communicate