Employability Learning Network Future Jobs Fund Seminar Martin Betts, Employment Projects Division
2 Comprehensive response to recession… Late 2008: increased funding, capacity in Jobcentre Plus additional European Social Fund provision to target unemployed expansion of Rapid Response Service, Local Employment Partnerships Early 2009: £500m package of support for jobseekers at six months – announced January, go-live April strengthened support for newly unemployed support for executive and professional jobseekers Budget 2009: further increase in funding, capacity for Jobcentre Plus Young Person’s Guarantee announced – strands live since Autumn ’09 Summer 2009: Backing Young Britain
3 Young Person’s Guarantee For all young people from 6 months receiving JSA, guaranteed offer of: A job: A new job created through the Future Jobs Fund Help with getting an existing job in a key employment sector Training Work experience
4 Backing Young Britain – The Three Asks 1.Offering an apprenticeship 2.Giving a young person a job earlier access to ‘Future Jobs Fund’ jobs priority access to ‘Work Trials’ 3.Providing a young person with experience of work 10,000 mentoring places 5,000 work experience places 20,000 internships for non-graduates 5,000 additional graduate internships, increasing total target to 20,000
5 Progress to date The campaign has been very successful.
6 And the Future Jobs Fund… 170,000 jobs 120,000 for young people to deliver the guarantee; 50,000 in unemployment “hotspots” Real jobs – this is job creation, not an employment programme “Challenge Fund” – innovative proposals based on what’s out there and what works Geared towards partnership bids often (not always) Local Authority led involving social enterprises and third sector lining up with local priorities and strategies
7 Additional Jobs All jobs created must be new and not exist without the Future Jobs Fund investment Jobs must not replace existing jobs or vacancies and must not lead to another individual, (i.e. an employee or contractor), losing their job or reducing their wage rates or hours of paid employment
88 Support in work… Support to hold down job – building work habits, mentoring, intensive/ wrap-around support where needed Support to move on in work – skills acquisition, [accredited] training, apprenticeships, etc Best bids: Built around individual – diverse group and needs Involve partners – you may not be best placed to deliver all Have regular and frequent, rather than ad hoc, interventions
99 Support to move into sustained employment Not just about training Critically, about how use that support to get into sustained work We know what works: Built around individual – not one size fits all; e.g. with caseworker Help looking for work – jobsearch, CV/ interview prep, jobs fairs etc Includes responsibilities – required activity, part of job Linked to jobs demand – engage employers, sponsors, Chambers Includes “follow-through” activity And expect support to get a job within your organisation
10 Benefit to the community Creating a job can be a community benefit, but not enough on its own FJF Jobs will create visible and lasting benefits to community, groups, and individuals Also minimise risks of displacement, distortion Environmental, social, cultural benefits Outreach/ support for particular [disadvantaged] groups Contribute to regeneration, social cohesion, local strategies Ideally: Evidence that community benefits considered throughout bid Evidence that have engaged the community
11 In practice, what does this mean? Often a focus on augmenting/ supplementing existing services “Quality of life” projects – health and fitness, outreach, leisure Environmental improvement and maintenance Occasionally, big legacy projects – digitisation, renovations etc
12 Sports coaches Tourism ambassadors Dance assistants Community landscaping Social housing Apprenticeships Loft lagging Childcare Social care Forestry Education learning assistants Support workers Neighbourhood rangers Independent living advisors Day centre assistants Community health champions Arts inclusion workers Heritage projects Housing insulation Customer service and retail Coast and countryside management Food production and processing Community recycling Marine industries Construction Renewable energy Money advice assistants Museums assistant Groundsperson Leisure Assistant Youth Worker Street Cleansing Waste Management Grounds maintenance Highways Operatives Web design Research assistants Community transport drivers Home service delivery Environmental champions Community wardens Town guides Community arts Data handling and administration Play workers Pre/post school working Flood prevention And in all sorts of occupations…
13 We’ve come a long way in a short time… 115 working days from Budget to first job starts Seven bidding rounds completed 277 bids accepted (approx half of applications) Bids could create up to 110,000 jobs Have issued grant agreements for well over half of those About 200 grants now “live” – notifying vacancies and taking people on Thousands of people already started work – from Penzance to Lerwick But……
14 With jobs across the country…
15 Media Coverage BBC NEWSBEAT : £1bn fund to help the young find jobs
16 In five months of delivery, we’ve learnt a lot Getting from paper to delivery in quick time… Making selection processes work quickly Building partnerships and making them work Making jobs attractive, suitable Account Management and how we deliver in Jobcentre Plus Following up individuals and vacancies Widening eligibility… Making things fit together across Departments, funding Overcoming issues – data sharing; VAT; audit; State Aid; CRBs; boundaries...
17 National Learning Event - Birmingham Include more public sector jobs e.g. fire, police, NHS, etc More flexibility in terms of private sector involvement CRB checks taking too long Relax rules on jobs requiring community benefit More user friendly website Simplify the bidding and granting processes Clarity about what constitutes a new job Simplify the recruitment process Lack of awareness by some JCP advisers of FJF opportunities Filling jobs quickly means some people going into wrong jobs Need for exit strategies and better links with apprenticeships
18 The Legacy Legacy of sustained employment FJF not another scheme.. about jobs that lead to long term sustained employment Support through training, confidence building, interview training As growth returns employees will be able to take on new jobs that meet the needs of individuals and the local economy Legacy of community benefit Tangible lasting benefits community, and individuals groups within the community Measuring the impact….. Evaluation due to commence soon and completed by the end of 2011
Employability Learning Network FJF Seminar Partnership Mangers Lorna Syme & Tommy McDade
20 FJF in Scotland In Scotland the Future Jobs Fund aims to deliver 15,000 new jobs at a cost of around £96 million – Aimed primarily at year olds and customers who live in areas of high unemployment. To date funding for over 9000 Future Jobs Fund jobs have been secured. Excellent coverage of Future Jobs Fund jobs in Scotland with every Local Authority area having jobs awarded.
21 Role of the Partnership Managers Offer advice and support to potential bidders Influence the strategic delivery of FJF in Scotland Working effectively with DWP, Scottish Government and Scotland Office colleagues, ensuring our service meets their needs. Work in partnership with District colleagues to ensure maximum coverage of FJF in Scotland
22 District Vacancy Advisers Develop effective working relationships with successful bidders, offering continuous advice and support. Take vacancies from FJF employers, considering; client group and application processes etc Close working with PAs to ensure that all are aware of FJF Vacancies
23 Grant Management Team The purpose of the account management team is to give assurance to the department that payments made to providers who are awarded Future Jobs Fund (FJF) is in accordance with DWP/Treasury requirements. The role will then also look at dealing with any outstanding issues/complaints which arise from the Future Jobs Fund.