Árbæjarskóli - Iceland Complementary Teaching Activities (CTA-days) THE SECOND WORLD WAR IN ICELAND March 2003
The working frame The themes for CTA-days are selected by teachers and a stearinggroup of 2-3 teachers who are put in charge. More detailed development: Teachers note on special sheets what material/ideas they are interested in having on the CTA-days. The stearinggroup chooses from ideas, arranges the teachers on the projects, and students into groups. Every teacher hands in a teaching plan.
The second world war in Iceland The upper level (14-16 year olds), is a total of 430 students Four days of work, including 3 days of CTA-work and the last day for sports festival, play and the students´ annual celebration. Students were divided up to 13 groups, 11 groups working on themes and 2 groups preparing the last day. In each group there were students and 2 teachers. The working time was based on the timetable, starting at 8.10 with one break and finishing at (two 180 min. sessions).
Following is a list of the 13 CTA-groups and an link with detailed introduction follows on the last slide.
The 13 groups 1.Dance and music 2.Various statistics 3.Sources – history 4.Teenagers´ sports during the war years
The 13 groups 5.Movies 6.Soldier caps and Nissen huts 7.Orienteering 8.Fashion
The 13 groups 9.Models 10.Does an Icelander live here?
The 13 groups 11.Telecommunications museum 12.Play 13.Final festival Introduction of each of the 13 groups