Health & Food Technology ‘Food For Health’ Outcome 2 Individuals and their specific dietary needs
Week 1 to 4 Learning Intentions We will: Learn about the specific dietary requirements of different groups of people Cook recipes that meets the specific dietary requirement of different groups of people
I will be able to State the dietary requirements of specific groups of people –Elderly, infants, teenagers, and adults Complete homework on: Other groups e.g. pregnant women vegetarians / convalescents Success Criteria
Skills for learning Literacy, talking and listening Skills for life Co-operative tasks, time management & organisational skills Skills for work Time management, problem solving Skills Development
Icebreaker task Team formation Voice on table Numbered heads Individual roles Wk 1: Lesson 1 & 2: Co-operative tasks Task 1 & 2
Starting with oldest pupil, introduce yourself to group - Name - Favourite food - Favourite subject - Hobby Voice on table
Number yourselves 1 to 4 1.Resource manager 2.Scribe 3.Reporter 4.Timekeeper/encourager Individual roles
Numbered heads together All number 1’s to table 1 etc Make notes on the ‘people group’ at your station You have 5 minutes to read information and make notes Return to home group Expert Groups – Task 1
Create a large poster with 4 sections Input information collected during ‘expert’ task (bullet points) Add pictures and colour to make it eye-catching and interesting You have 15 minutes for this task Produce group poster – Task 2
Week 1 Lesson 3: Co-operative task Task 3 Group spider diagram: Group spider diagram: dietary requirements of an infant dietary requirements of an infant toddlers
In your groups, find information on the following for an TODDLERS: Health needs Dietary requirements Appropriate foods Cooking methods Pictures (optional) Add the information to your spider diagram Week 2: Co-operative tasks Task 3
Order ingredients for a dish which provides the dietary requirements for an infant. Food order must include - -Quantity x 4 for group - -Names of pupils - -Date and time of cooking Food Order - Task 4
Ext: Individual task: Task 5 Create a leaflet to help parents choose suitable food for their infant.
HOMEWORK HOMEWORK Find information about the dietary requirements for one of the following - Pregnant women - Vegetarians - Convalescents - Convalescents Homework return date:
I have now Stated the dietary requirements of specific groups of people Completed homework on one of the following: Other groups e.g. pregnant women vegetarians / convalescents Success Criteria Revisited