Universities here provide wonderful conditions for students and staff. Lecture halls, class size, teaching aides, dormitories, recreational facilities,, services are all excellent. Facilities for academics are excellent. Fall 2012 Dr. Peter Mayer 2 HIGHER EDUCATION IN THE US AT A HIGH LEVEL
The US is among the top three countries in terms of spending for higher education. This is wonderful and positive in terms of preparing the society for the future. When looking at the contribution of the private and public sector, it is the private contribution which makes the difference. Fall 2012 Dr. Peter Mayer 3 TOTAL SPENDING FOR HIGHER EDUCATION
It is difficult for Europeans to appreciate your model of financing of higher education with respect of student loans and students getting into considerable debt. Fall 2012 Dr. Peter Mayer 4 LOANS AND HIGHER EDUCATION
Your testing culture is unique. There has been an interesting development of techniques. We can learn from this. But. Fall 2012 Dr. Peter Mayer 5 TESTING AND LEARNING PROGRESS
LEARNING HOW TO WRITE In Germany, a bachelor program cannot be accredited without including a major thesis at the end of the program. Writing a thesis with pages is typically considered like the crown on the educational path. May be this is something you could introduce as well. Fall 2012 Dr. Peter Mayer 6
Most European universities have a more pronounced interest in international matters. International semesters integrated into the program, joint summer universities, internships abroad, joint bachelor or master programs are almost standard. I feel that Wisconsin plays below its potential. Fall 2012 Dr. Peter Mayer 7 INTERNATIONAL DIMENSION
BACHELOR, MASTER AND PHD AS STANDARD The introduction of the bachelor and master degrees (Bologna process) brought about fundamental change: new programs, new structures, new components such as credit points, modular systems. The system is still seen controversially. Fall 2012 Dr. Peter Mayer 8
WHO SHOULD CONTINUE WITH A MASTER DEGREE? Some argue that the vast majority should finish with the master degree. The bachelor students, so their view, are not ready for the labor market, both in terms of skills and age. What about this discussion in the US? Fall 2012 Dr. Peter Mayer 9
Services for weak students are impressive. Germans might learn from you. At the same time, most professors would reject such an approach. Fall 2012 Dr. Peter Mayer 10 SUPPORTING THE WEAK STUDENTS
There is a discussion in Germany about the length of service of provosts, chancellors and deans: Should we have higher education management experts, working over the years at different universities, specializing on managing universities? I feel your system avoids some of the problems we have, but has weaknesses as well. Fall 2012 Dr. Peter Mayer 11 PROFESSIONAL LEADERSHIP
The pros and cons of quality management, this is a hot debate in Germany and Europe. The natural approach you seem to have here is far away from our reality. Fall 2012 Dr. Peter Mayer 12 QUALITY MANAGEMENT AND ACCREDITATION
CRISIS OF TEACHING ECONOMICS The financial crisis in 2008 led to a broad ongoing public debate about the failure of economics and teaching economics. Issues are: -What is the role of mathematics? -What is the role of ethics in our curriculum? -How much social skills is appropriate? Fall 2012 Dr. Peter Mayer 13
CRISIS OF TEACHING ECONOMICS How should we deal with the rationality assumption in economics? Is more behavioral economics the answer? What do we learn from the failed liberalization experiences. Should we revisit the role of the state? What do we learn from economic progress in countries like China, India, or Sweden, Finland, Norway, Denmark? Fall 2012 Dr. Peter Mayer 14
CRISIS OF TEACHING ECONOMICS Intensive debate whether we need a redirection towards happiness and happiness research. Should teaching of economics be more open towards a political science perspective? Fall 2012 Dr. Peter Mayer 15