Course Planning: Unit Rationale and Performance Assessments Book pgs Examples Classroom Curriculum Unit Rationale
Diocesan Curriculum Over the past year, the diocese completed: Team/Department Outcomes Course Outcomes Unit Concepts Unit Goals
Curricula Overview: The Big Picture Standards that can be accomplished in a lesson plan Standards that take 2-4 weeks to accomplish Standards that take more than 1 unit to accomplish Standards that take more than 1 year to accomplish Team/Dept. Outcomes Course Outcomes Unit Goal LP
Review: Unit Concepts and Course Narrative Unit Concepts Create a narrative of Enduring Understandings. 1 st Unit engages student interest and leads students into the 2 nd Unit. Classroom Curriculum Unit Rationale
Course Planning Classroom Curriculum Unit Rationale
Explains why each Unit Concept (Enduring Understanding) occurs at this point in the Course Narrative. Reading each rationale leads to a reader to understand the course in broad outline. Rationales are brief, no more than 2 sentences. Classroom Curriculum Unit Rationale
Sample – 4th Grade History Unit # Dates (Number of Class Days) Unit ConceptUnit GoalPrior RationaleUnit Assessment (Standards) Indiana Early Growth and Developme nt: Indiana's Transition from Territory to State SWBAT identify key individuals and explain their role in Indiana's transformation from territory to statehood. A focus on individuals rather than events allows 4 th graders to “meet the people” who brought about the transition. A “people” focus also allows instructional activities to convey some aspects of daily life. SWBAT assume the role of a key individual in Indiana's journey from territory to state and recount the individual's influence and contribution via an oral speech at a "wax museum." 4.1.2, 4.1.3, 4.1.4, 4.1.5, 4.2, 4.3.9, Classroom Curriculum Unit Rationale
Sample – 8 th Grade Pre-Algebra Unit # Estimate d # of Days Unit Concept or Question Unit GoalUnit Rationale Unit Assessmen t Standards (Common Core) The Pythagorean Theorem and Geometry SWBAT apply the Pythagorean Theorem to geometry in the real-world. This unit introduces students to the concept of the Pythagorean Theorem and basic Geometric principles of angles and polygons. The unit incorporates multiple examples to illustrate real-world applications of angles and measurements in the students’ daily lives. 8.G.6, 8.G.7, 8.G.8 Classroom Curriculum Unit Rationale
Sample – Society and Justice – 9 th Grade LA Unit # Estimated # of Days Unit Concept or Question Unit GoalUnit Rationale Unit Assessment Standards (Common Core) Prejudice: To Kill a Mockingbird and other readings Traits of effective writing: Descriptive writing SWBAT compare and contrast other examples of prejudice to their novel in the context of reading circles. Discussing prejudice within a novel lays the basis for discussing bias within informational texts. SWBAT imagine characters' interactions to issues of prejudice discussed at a town hall meeting. RL , RI , RL , RI Classroom Curriculum Unit Rationale
Course Planning Download from ACE Collaborative site your Year- long Course Plan. Review the Unit Concepts Assign a probable number of days, keeping in mind your school calendar In two sentences, write the Unit Rationale for the 1 st two Units, creating the Course Narrative. ACE Collaborative 2012 Classroom Curriculum Unit Rationale