HIE-ISOLDE Design Study and the CATHI Project Richard Catherall EN-STI ISOLDE Technical Coordinator HIE-EBIS Workshop 16 th -17 th October CERN
Energy upgrade 10 MeV/u Construction of SC LINAC + service buildings Intensity upgrade LINAC4+PSB Design Study of target area, Class-A lab and beam lines HIE-ISOLDE: An Upgrade of the present ISOLDE Facility Beam quality upgrade
Staging Linac and Cryo MeV/u MeV/u >2017
Design Study Intensity UpgradeBeam Quality Upgrade Ventilation issues Vacuum issues Targets – Fluka simulations – Target design – Materials Front End – Mechanics – Optics HV systems High resolution magnet RFQ Cooler REXEBIS upgrade Off-line separator Pre-mass separator Deliverable – Final Design Study Report by mid 2014 Identify priorities and plan their implementation as a function of overall schedule and the existing facility Assess the implications of any modifications in terms of resources, infrastructure and planning. Address the issues and provide acceptable solutions in the form of conceptual designs and reports. Extrapolate these issues as a function of proton intensity increase and secondary beam requirements. Through previous experiences and collaborations, identify the issues associated with the existing facilities.
WP7.4: Radioactive Ion Beam Quality Charge breeder design study Simulations of high current space charge limited electron beam for HIE-EBIS; Simulation based design of High Energy Current and Compression (HEC 2 ) electron gun, drift tubes, High Power Collector (HPC) and spec for the magnetic system; General design concept of the HIE-EBIS; Beam Quality Andrey Shornikov
The CATHI Project: An Initial Training Network (ITN) within the European FP7 program Initial Research Training Early Stage Researchers (ESR) experience < 4 yr Experienced Researchers (ER) 4 yr < experience < 5 yr CATHI = Monosite ITN CERN (the grant recipient and coordinator) + 13 Associated Partners General ITN Objectives International mobility Intersectorial experience (academia + industry) Complementary skills (language, communication & management, IPR issues etc.) Dissemination of results (workshops etc) Cryogenics, Accelerators and Targets at HIE-ISOLDE
Research Training Themes (20 Fellows over 4 years) Y. Kadi HIE-ISOLDE Proposal, IEFC, August 21, 2009
Associated Partners Advantages – An in-kind contribution to projects and developments with the added advantage of knowledge transfer. – Networking and contacts for future activities – A MC Fellow can spend up to 1/3 of his contract in training/internships world-wide. Secondments for up to several months – Financial assistance from the CATHI project budget for training by the associated partnership. Including travel subsistence for AP members – Its still not too late to become an associated partner! Just need to sign a letter of commitment with CERN
Associated Partners Y. Kadi HIE-ISOLDE Proposal, IEFC, August 21, 2009
Possible CERN Contributions Financial contributions from the EU (ITN) cannot be used for material costs. The Design Study does have an R&D budget: – For drawings – Software licenses – Prototypes Materials and fabrication processes – Tests At CERN or elsewhere. Expertise by specialist groups – Vacuum, RF, material science etc etc
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