History Fair Research
You need to find both primary & secondary sources. Primary Sources: firsthand or eyewitness accounts of history (letters, speeches, autobiographies, diaries/memoirs, photographs, military records, birth/death certificates, voting & census records). Secondary Sources: secondhand accounts of history (biographies, encyclopedia). You need to find a minimum of 5 each.
As much as possible, your research should be balanced, considering all viewpoints. That means losers as well as winners, males and females, different nations, different socioeconomic/ethnic/religious groups, etc. What balanced means will vary depending on your topic.
Annotated Bibliography An annotated bibliography is an organized list of sources, each of which is followed by a brief note or "annotation." These annotations do one or more of the following: describe the content and focus of the book or article; suggest the source's usefulness to your research; evaluate its method, conclusions, or reliability; record your reactions to the source.
Examples of Annotations Bates, Daisy. The Long Shadow of Little Rock. 1st ed. New York: David McKay Co. Inc., Daisy Bates was the president of the Arkansas NAACP and the one who met and listened to the students each day. This first-hand account was very important to my paper because it made me more aware of the feelings of the people involved.
What your Annotated Bibliography should look like… Should be typed. Sources should be separated – primary and secondary. Minimum of 10 sources – 5 primary, 5 secondary. Cannot use more than 5 internet resources. Must use print sources. Turn in one per group. Use the following websites to help you create your bibliography:
Name Date Period Annotated Bibliography Primary Sources: 1.Auerbacher, Inge. Interview. United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Oct This website had a list of personal histories of the holocaust experience. Inge Auerbacher remembered things happening even though she was only four years old. In this interview she recalls what she received for her birthdays during the rough years of the holocaust. 2.A Teacher's Guide to the Holocaust. Jan Florida Center for Instructional Technology. 21 Oct This website had modern day pictures of many of the concentration camps. It helped to give me an idea of how people lived in these camps. Secondary Sources: 1. Boas, Jacob. We are Witnesses. New York: Scholastic, Jacob Boas created this book using bits and pieces of five diaries of teenagers who died in the Holocaust. This book gave me a good idea of how life was like for Jewish teenagers during Hitler’s reign as dictator. 2."Holocaust Timeline." The History Place. 21 Oct This website had a detailed timeline of the years It explained when the Nazi Party took over different countries in Europe and when Jews were forced from their home towns and cities.
Advice Exchange info with your partner(s).Exchange info with your partner(s). Plan to meet at the public library after school and on weekends.Plan to meet at the public library after school and on weekends. Check your history fair packet for info or go to your history fair packet for info or go to Need help? Attend tutorials on Tuesdays.Need help? Attend tutorials on Tuesdays.