The magazine mainly represented the back street social group. What I mean by the back street social group, is more towards teenagers, especially teenagers who enjoy the dub step side of music (possibly elements of drum and bass as well). In all of the parts of the magazine that I have produced, it gives the impression of pride and being confident onto self. The social groups that the magazine is aimed for are mainly aimed at teenagers of any types, but are mainly aimed at any teens. However it may appeal more to male orientated social groups.
I think in general the main social groups that would be representing the hoody side of teenagers with the fact that the clothing of the models within it is orientated around these types of individuals. As I said before, the magazine represents this social group as be proud with the poses presented. This magazine also represents the strength of this social group and possibly teenagers in general. This is key as most of society see teenagers as a waste of space and fairly annoying with everyday society, due too there apparent mischief, lack of respect and up to no good attitudes that stereotypes show. But the magazine presents these social groups (especially “Hoody types”) to contradict these stereotypes and shows them too proud and not being what the stereotypes indicate.
The audience of the magazine would obviously be dub step lovers. However, this may also be an attraction for any drum and bass fans as dub step and drum and bass share similarities within each other (like the instruments used and the atmospheres they create). Shown by the background of the cover and the clothing of the main model of the cover, the audience for this media product that I have produced is aimed more towards the range of years olds (mainly male orientated), this has been determined by the questionnaire I had sent out to people (the results are on the “Questionnaire Results”).
Previously I mentioned that this magazine is mainly male orientated, but this may not be fully true. The magazine is aimed at anyone of any gender; this is determined by the questionnaire. But with the layout and the dark colours that the magazine presents, this may well more attracted to males more than females. This is also due to the fact that all of the models within the magazine are males, this may be more of an attraction towards the male audiences as this magazine has a much higher representation of male individuals. However, this is dependent on what different people like, therefore making the audience a little unpredictable.