What is MindSet? It is a training curriculum that is efficient and effective in creating and maintaining the safest possible environment, both emotionally and physically, for everyone involved.
What is the Purpose of MindSet Training? The purpose is to facilitate insight, raise awareness, enhance skills, and ultimately certify professionals in a system of preventing and managing aggressive behavior.
What are the keys to success for organizations that are attempting to reduce and eliminate instances of seclusion and restraint?
Keys to Success A comprehensive and clear policy and procedure Restraint must be the intervention of last resort Staff must be trained in de-escalation techniques There must be student involvement A system of data collection and analysis Strategies for organizational change Performance measurement systems Emphasis on student and staff strengths Cultural Competence Effective student and staff debriefing An environment that prioritizes student dignity
PEACE P = Punitive measures are not appropriate when dealing with aggressive behavior E = Emphasize everyone’s strengths to maximize a safe environment A = A crisis situation is a learning opportunity C = Consistency is essential E = Empowerment fosters learning and trust
Empowerment fosters learning and trust The goal is to change the behavior. Engage the learner at their level. Teach the child to be their own risk manager.
Four Guiding Principles A principle is defined as a rule or code of conduct
Promote Choice and Trust A person in crisis will choose alternatives to aggressive behavior if given the opportunity Fear and a sense of powerlessness fuels aggression Trust and opportunities for choice can counteract fear and a sense of helplessness
Avoid Power Struggles Human emotions can “Tip the Scale” in a crisis situation Present yourself as an ally Be calm, aware and respectful before, during and after the crisis situation
Seek Pro-Action vs. Re-Action Timing is essential in effectively managing a crisis situation Use good judgment in not under reacting or over reacting Both teachers/staff and students should develop specific pro-action strategies relative to creating a safe environment
Set-up Everyone For Success To achieve a “culture of prevention”, everyone involved must establish and implement “customized strategies” for creating safe environments Consistency and teamwork are essential ingredients Students must be empowered to become their own risk managers
Ten Steps for Defeating Bias and Overcoming Resistance Non-emotional instead of emotional requests (control your bias) Descriptive requests Do not use a question format Keep a safe distance Make eye contact Two requests only Check tone of voice Time to comply More start requests than stop requests Reinforce compliance
Crisis Communication Crisis is defined as a decisive or critical moment. Communication skills, both verbal and nonverbal, are your most powerful tools for preventing aggressive behavior. We must remain calm, aware and respectful at times when it can be difficult to accomplish just on of the three.
General Guidelines when attempting to engage communication with someone who has the potential to become aggressive
Get in your CAR (Calm,Aware,Respectful) Create a one-on-one (minimize distractions) Timing is everything (be pro-active) Avoid advice or quick fixes Make empathetic statements when possible Promote choice and trust
The Four-Step Counseling Model Step 1: “Say what you see and/or hear” be concrete non-judgmental focus on body language
Step 2: “Establish the feeling” “Seems to me like you’re _____” Keep the communication focused Feelings drive the behavior
Step 3: “Connect the feeling to the source” Ask open-ended questions Avoid asking “why” questions
Step 4: “Plan of Action” Help the person in crisis establish a plan of action in getting their needs met in acceptable and safe ways. “What do you want?” “What else can you do?” “What are you willing to do?”
In Conclusion: Create safe environments by establishing and implementing prevention and communication strategies that: a) avoid power struggles b) are proactive vs. reactive c) promote choice and trust d) and ultimately sets everyone up for success
Empower students to fine alternatives to aggression and violence Consistency and commitment from everyone is essential