Posted February 2012
Standards-Based Homework and Grading Committee – (completed work in 2007) Homework and Grading Policy and Procedure (established Policy 2422 and Procedure 2422P) Elementary schools are fully Standards-Based Secondary schools (HOPE Goal) to fully implement in
SBG Reporting Pilot planned: o BHS/MVMS English teachers & MVMS 6th grade teachers for school year o Additional classes may begin using the grading system at semester. Standards are developed and in use. All teachers will continue to refine and prioritize standards and scales.
What is a Standards-Based Report Card? o An online progress report designed to provide information on standards. Why a Standards-Based Report Card? o To improve communication and provide more feedback to students and parents. How is a grade determined? o Each standard is scored based on a proficiency scale. All standards combine for a final course grade.
Formative/Summative Assessments Teacher commitments: 1 week for daily assignments to be posted in online grade book 3 weeks for projects/papers/lab books to be posted in online grade book Standard Transcripts There will be no change to the HS transcript Report Card/Progress Report reflects letter grade Most recent performance (most recent three summative grades) Course grades are letters and not numbers for progress reports Standards are scored by numbers and averaged for a final course grade
English Reading: 1.1Key Ideas and Details: Literary 1.2 Craft and Structure: Literary 1.3Integration of Knowledge and Ideas: Literary 1.4Key Ideas and Details: Informational 1.5Craft and Structure: Informational 1.6Integration of Knowledge and Ideas: Informational 2. Writing: 2.1Text Types and Purposes: argument 2.2Text Types and Purposes: informative/explanatory 2.3Text Types and Purposes: narrative 2.4Production and Distribution of Writing (content, organization, style, writing 2.5 process, use of technology in writing) 2.5Research to Build and Present Knowledge (gathering relevant information from research) 3. Speaking and Listening: 3.1Comprehension and Collaboration (content and evaluation of presentations) 3.2Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas (delivery) 4. Language: 4.1Conventions of Standard English (grammar, usage, punctuation, spelling, capitalization) 4.2Knowledge of Language (application of MLA, APA, etc. to writing and citation) 4.3Vocabulary Acquisition and Use (word and phrase meanings, figurative language, word relationships, etc.)
Standard 1: Work Habits & Attitude 1.1Ready to work with supplies, on time 1.2 Self-directed 1.3Uses class time to get work done 1.4Gives best effort 1.5Work reflects expected outcomes 1.6Manages classroom environment Standard 2: Cooperation & Teamwork 2.1 Willingly works with others 2.2Cooperatives with teacher or peers 2.3Contributes to group efforts 2.4Shows respect Standard 3: Citizenship & Leadership 3.1Considers others and their points of view 3.2Follows classroom and school rules 3.3Shows initiative 3.4Takes responsibility 3.5Advocates for self
Language Arts Scale Score Conversion for Pilot Program A A B B B C C C D D F