You have access to the catalogue from Lazarski’s website Library Online Catalogue Direct Link:
Select language. Please note: You can search the catalogue without logging in. You do have to log in if you want to order and borrow a book. Our Reading Room has open stacks. Locate and consult open stacks books without logging in. And do not reshelve them.
For activating your Library account, you have to come to the Library with your student card and – if it’s not an Electronic Student Card – purchase a Library card. It costs 5 zloty.
LOGIN Nr albumu (e.g ) OR number of library card PASSWORD Day and month of birth and 3 first letters of surname (e.g. 0912smi). You can change the password after logging.
You can start searching without logging in. But when you’re logged in, you can also order books.
The simplest is searching by author or title, but you can search also e.g. by keywords (when you want to find ‘something about…’). Please notice, that if title starts with e.g. ‘International accounting’, it usually hasn’t ‘international accounting’ as a keyword.
Example: You want to borrow ‘Principles of macroeconomics’ by Gregory Mankiw.
You can search by author, click ‘Go’, then click on Mankiw surname and then the list of all his books available at our Library will appear.
Always look at the screen carefully and select what you actually need.
You can also search by title, click ‘Go’, then click on the title you need, and then the list of all books with this title available at our Library will appear.
Control what you are getting. Since we have books by other authors also titled Principles of macroeconomics, they will also be listed here. Control what you are getting. If we had materials other than books also titled Principles of macroeconomics, they would also be listed here. However, with a different icon. For instance, a journal titled ‘Principles of macroconomics’ would be marked by this icon:.
Let’s continue then…
Oops! The possibility of orders was blocked doesn’t mean that something is wrong with your account. In parentheses we have a location – in this case Czytelnia (Reading Room), what means that this item is to be used only on site (or to be borrowed for short period).
But… if you want to use it on site, here you have information where to find the item. Number in circle means that the item is in field 4 (Economics)…
… and in the field 4 (the stacks you need!), you should look for the book in alphabetical order, i.e. under M for Mankiw. You should look what is over the dotted line, sometimes it’s not the author name but the title word. Economics is just the field numbered 4 in our stacks
Perhaps this time let’s order ‘Principles of microeconomics’, also by Mankiw… And the Polish alphabet goes like this:
Great! There are some items available for ordering! Notice: we have a location magazyn (store) in parentheses. Click on ‘Order’ now… These icons herald availability of the item.
… then – it’s very important! – click ‘Order’ once again.
Now you have information that the selected item is ordered. Do the same routine with each item you want to borrow and then come with your Library card to the Circulation Desk to receive your books.
Sometimes you may have to look into degree works (theses, dissertations). Then change the document type to ‘Prace Dyplomowe / Dissertations’ and order the same way as books…
Dissertations of any kind cannot be borrowed for use outside the Library. Neither can they be photocopied, with the exception of works completed in the course of validated studies, unless the author has not agreed. The works are available on the next day after ordering from 12, but they are not fetched on Saturdays and Sundays. You can use dissertations for 30 days since the first use but after this period you will not be entitled to borrow the same work again.
Now, coming back to borrowing books… Check the condition of the books you are borrowing. Let the librarian know if you find the copy imperfect. A book may show signs of wear and tear, have highlighted text or handwritten remarks, etc. Please see to it that your remarks are recorded in the system. You will be responsible for the shape of the book upon returning.
Take care of the borrowed book: * use bookmarks * never put an open book with its spine up * do not highlight text – use self adhesive stickers instead * erase your pencil before returning
If you think some sheets are about to fall off, contact us immediately. Perhaps we can help. Please resist the temptation of self repair, and never paste scotch tape onto paper or cardboard.
After reading do not reshelve books, just leave them on the trolley. It will be the best help for us, really!
Thank you for your attention and have a pleasant time at our Library!